Friday, May 1, 2020


Our 7 year old grandson sewed two pillowcases this week with my assistance. The one he is holding is for his cousin who is celebrating his 5th birthday this week.

It was windy out so he was able to just lay the pillowcase on himself and it stayed! He thought that was really neat.

His younger brother is holding the pillowcase he made for him.

He sewed one for himself last week.

While we were outside taking the picture, I noticed some white in the corner of the yard under the old tree. 

This picture got slightly blurry when enlarged. I don't know what kind of flowers these are. You can see the leaves, rather straight and pointy. The flowers are maybe 1/2" across, perhaps slightly less.

This is the first yellow wild violet of the season.

Linking to Peacock Party, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, TGIFF!, Brag About Your Beauties, Finished Or Not Friday


  1. Pillowcases are a great project for kids! They're straight-forward, quick, practical finishes. And what kid doesn't like resting his head on a fire truck at night?! : )

  2. I have no yellow violets - they look nice wouldn't mind some of those popping up along with all the others. I never make pillow cases looks like a good job

  3. How nice of your grandson to be doing sewing, with your guidance of course. Looks like he has done a great job and looks happy with the results. Such a clever boy!

  4. What a great job he did with those pillowcases... it is nice to see your grandkids too! You are blessed :) Enjoy the colors popping ! Kathi

  5. I love those bare feet! What a great place for them to hang out and play. Your flowers are so pretty - I'm glad you shared them. I can't help identifying the white ones, but they are nice and bright! And I've never seen yellow wild violets either - gorgeous!

  6. I'm so proud of him. My brother used to make doll clothes for me about 65 years ago. Still makes me smile.

  7. The leaves on the white flowers look like violet leaves.....heart-shaped. Do the flowers have an aroma? Carol in Texas

  8. Love them!! those boys are just so cute!!!

  9. Good Job Done! Not just him making pillowcases, but you teaching him how. Hopefully he will continue sewing, with his Grandma guiding him.
