Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Calico Stars, the Flimsy

Calico Stars is a flimsy! This was another fast pattern from Issue 1 of the 2020 Block idea book which used a layer cake.

I made several alterations for my quilt. I wanted a twin sized quilt so I used only 28 squares . I also added cornerstone to the outside sashing.
The outside border is pieced. I would have preferred a one fabric border but decided to use what I had on hand. Another difference from the original pattern, my borders were cut at 5". I sliced the rest of the 10" layer cake squares in half and pulled other fabrics too. 

Here is an April post about Calico Stars.

Here is a link to the digital pattern for Calico Stars. I couldn't find a tutorial.
Of course there was a breeze while taking pictures, this time from the southeast

The heifers always come to see what I'm doing whenever I'm close to their pasture. They're hoping I'm going to feed them something.

I went to the east side of the house to take some pictures of the flimsy on the stump, didn't work, the wind was worse! I took a picture of the cows lazing in their pasture on a quiet calm Sunday afternoon.

Linking to To Do Tuesday, Clever ChameleonMidweek MakersWednesday Wait Loss, Put Your Foot DownNeedle & Thread Thursday


  1. Calico Stars is LOVELY!!! Gretchen I love that photo you took of your cows in the field just hanging out... the wind has been busy in North Carolina lately too! Glad you got a good photo though :D Kathi

  2. Always nice to see the Guernsey cows out on the grass.

  3. I really really love this one. The fabric is beautiful.

  4. looks lovely - it is breezy here today and that cold front is coming through

  5. Calico Stars is so fresh and pretty! Love the blue and yellow/green together. Will you hand quilt this one?

  6. Hi Gretchen! Ooh-la-la this is a pretty quilt. I adore star quilts and I especially like the center blocks and the stars forming out from them. I just LOVE the heifers in the background. I can just imagine them watching you, getting closer and closer just in case you have some food you want to get rid of. The cows in the pasture didn't even turn their head to see what you were doing, did they?! They knew better and just kept on eating or resting. I think this subscription to the idea book was a great idea. You're sharing some really cute quilts! Thanks for linking up today. ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. I love the colors! It's just beautiful!!!

  8. Your quilt is really lovely, Gretchen! I can almost smell the fresh spring air from the farm in your photos - such fun seeing your sweet heifers investigating your pretty quilt! And so much green! Our green around here usually comes with a lot of dirt. :)

  9. I love the colors -- I tend to use many of MSQC patterns from the Block magazine, and I always find a way to make them smaller or as table runners. I really like the Calico Stars and will have to make one!

  10. Great quilt!!!!!!! Love the cows as well.

  11. So pretty! Between the wind and the cows, you were lucky to get a good picture!

  12. Such a sweet summery quilt! So pretty.

  13. This is lovely! Not quite sure what the heifers think of it though!

  14. Your quilt is lovely 😊 but (please don't get upset) I think the upper right block has a piece flipped on the top. I did the same thing and didn't catch it until after it was quilted and gifted!

    1. You're right! No else has noticed that including me! However it's not going to be changed. I delivered the flimsy to the long arm quilter yesterday. My granddaughter won't care and I don't claim to be a perfect quilter. This is will be a good example that grandma makes mistakes too.

  15. Just as long as the cattle are not in the same pasture with the clothes line! We visited family who had a cow out in the same yard with the clothesline, what a mess! Had to re-launder the clothes!

  16. Beautiful! I enjoyed the cow pictures too. :)

  17. I cant believe this is not challenging. I did find the video then found another MSQ tutorial that I liked even more. So there is a plan when I am finished with a scrappy quilt. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down. I still love your quilt.

  18. It's a pretty pattern - I really like your choice of colors.

    Curious cows are curious. :-)

  19. This is so pretty and I LOVE the pics with the cows in the background!!

  20. I love the colors on this Gretchen, and the heifers make me smile! They look like they inspecting your quilt. :)

  21. What a really pretty and fresh combination of fabric print and pattern. I hope your granddaughter is delighted. Thanks for sharing at the Chameleon's Colour party.

  22. Love those fabrics! They made such a pretty quilt! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  23. This is such a lovely little post! The quilt is so pretty and I love the cows in the background. I tend to mostly see plain black or brown cows with an occasional white spot or two on our cows. You have nice looking cows.

  24. What a great quilt to show off those gorgeous calico fabrics. Glad the heifers appeared for the photo shoot. They know what's going on. I'm sure they are discussing your fabric selections and admiring the beauty of the quilt just like we are.
