Friday, March 27, 2020

Sewing Maple Leaves

The next border on the John Deere quilt will be 6" finished maple leaves. I'm piecing two leaves from each of the fabrics I've pulled. That will give me more blocks than I need for this border but I'm planning on am additional border of leaves farther along.

The weather this week has been very mixed up. Sunday evening it started snowing. 

This is what we woke up to Monday morning.

The snow completely melted by 3 pm except for the sad snowman.

The grandsons had a wonderful time playing in the snow all bundled up in their snow pants, coats and boots.

Now we've had several days in the high 50's, low 60's and they're running around without coats!

Linking to Peacock Party, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, TGIFF!, Brag About Your Beauties, Finished Or Not Friday, UFO Busting


  1. we had 85 yesterday it was unreal and only got down to 70 last night had to have the A/C on.

  2. Oh my such later winter weather but it does happen! We have been above normal this week, seems impossible when you have snow. Your leaf blocks are making me think of fall!

  3. Crazy weather!! but at least it entertains the kids right? Great leaf blocks!

  4. Lovely maple leaves, I just love this pattern. Thank you for inspiring me, it will be one of my next projects ;)
