Sunday, March 29, 2020

Not Quite Finished

The border of Floral Triangles was not completely finished this week but I did make progress.

The first narrowed pieced border and the larger floral quilted border are finished.

This week I'll get the rest of the border finished.

Sorry this photo is a little dark. When I tuned the overhead light on, you couldn't see the quilting. 

A close up of the right corner.

The center of the quilted row.

See how the diagonal lines change direction?

I should have a finish to show you next Sunday but I'm sure the binding won't be attached.

Like many of you, I'm brushing off my bread baking skills. I actually baked bread three times this week! I've been sharing with our son and his family who live in another house here on the farm.

This is a loaf of sourdough bread cooling. We had some for lunch Saturday along with home made soup from the crockpot. It looks picture perfect and tasted great too!

The other two batches of bread were baked in regular loaf pans. One was a recipe I've used for 40 years that's a family favorite. The other recipe was new to me, Egg Bread from Kristens blog, The Frugal Girl. It was delicious! The grandsons liked it too.

I want to mention that for some reason when I make a comment on some people's blogs, my comment disappears into that vast void of internet nothingness. It has happened on both WordPress and Blogger. I don't know why, that's one of life's mysteries. So sorry!

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching,  Oh Scrap, Bambi's Show & Tell Monday, Monday MakingDesign Wall MondayBOM's Away


  1. I am getting a wee bit excited down here to think your beautiful quilt is nearly finished. I cannot wait to see it in all it's glory. The quilting you stitched this past week, as always, is as beautiful as the rest. It seems a lot of people have tried their hands at baking bread this week. Your bread looks delicious. I am certain it would have tasted delicious, too.

  2. I noticed that you commented on Kathy's Quilts that you would swap bread for soup if you lived close. I would be the egg swapper. My chickens are laying eggs like crazy now. I have been distributing eggs by dropping them off the neighbors' mailboxes. I headed directly to the egg bread recipe when finished! I'm getting dangerously low on flour right now. I have less than 3 pounds left.

    As always your stitches are perfect. What fun it is to get to the last roll of stitching!

    1. My layers are starting to molt but I still have eggs. When I shopped last time, I purchased the last 50 pound bag of flour. We're not going to run out any time soon. I'm sure your neighbors are thrilled with the eggs.

  3. Beautiful quilting as always! But beautiful looking bread too. My husband makes the bread in our house but we can't buy the flour. I keep looking and now the shops are cracking down on stock piling I'm ever hopeful!

  4. Your quilting is always beautiful and inspiring! I cannot even imagine doing that myself, but thankfully you do!

  5. home made bread is something that I am making too - love the quilt and you are so close now. On the comments sometimes on my blog I have to approve a comment before it shows up - recently it seems to be picking comments at random and they don't show up on the blog until I approve them - it used to only do this for someone who had never commented before now off and on all week - I don't know why - maybe that is happening to others blogs too and your comments?

  6. You're in the home stretch on the quilting! It is so lovely, I just want to run my hands over it. And your sour dough loaf is inspiring. I bake a lot of bread, too, and have for years. It's very satisfying--when it turns out right!

  7. Wow you did make some great progress this week. Getting closer to the end each day you stitch! I love making artesian breads.

  8. Bread and stitches are both gorgeous!

  9. Such beautiful quilting! I always enjoy seeing your progress. That bread looks yummy, too!

  10. Gorgeous quilting. You are getting down to the finishing line now! Great work!

  11. Your hand quilting is beautiful Gretchen, I really like how those diagonal lines change direction. Your bread looks and sounds delicious. We're having trouble getting flour here - only the quick to the supermarket get it...hope more arrives soon - I"m not sure if it's from bulk buying or because of a genuine shortage.

  12. You're so close with the quilting, Gretchen! It looks amazing. I'm in awe of your bread baking as well. I haven't even attempted to bake bread in 20 years. The house we lived in as newlyweds was 100 years old and had old-fashioned radiators; I used to put the bread dough near the steam radiators to rise. Don't really remember even the basics of bread baking anymore except that it requires yeast that I do not have in the house anyway. The best I can muster up is a quickbread or some pancakes!

  13. You are on the homestretch! I love that floral border and the texture the quilting makes. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  14. Your quilting is beautiful. Bread looks good too! Congratulations on coming into the homestretch on your quilt. You really show how just a little time each day can prduce big rewards!

  15. I am LOVING that quilting!! and your bread looks Amazing!!!

  16. Gretchen,
    Sew happy to finally stop for a bit and take in your most recent blog posts to "catch up". I am glad you are well and the bread looks yummy! I love the photos you manage to get of your quilting... How exciting to be nearing the end of this one. I haven't quilted in 2 weeks as other things have stolen the solace I get from quilting but I am feeling the urges return... we shall see :) I have a quilt to bind for my good friend. Enjoy having family around to give your days dimension... mine are pleasant but void of variety for now for sure! lol Kathi

  17. Yummy!! My neighbor is going to teach me to do sourdough bread, once this avoid others order is lifted. Your quilting is lovely as always! I have to use Firefox as my browser to comment on some blogs, for me it's a Google thing as I usually use Safari for a Browser.

  18. Oooo - so very close for this quilt, now! One of my favorites, to be sure. :)
