Sunday, January 5, 2020

Quilting the Week of New Years

There was hand quilting this week. I've never yet made it all the way across the quilt in one week on Floral Triangles. This week is the closest I've come.

Right side border, notice the white diagonal lines change direction on the right side of the red flower. This is the center!

This stem fabric isn't my favorite but the black does add brightness to the quilt.

I use a blunt point scissors when I'm quilting. I don't like sharp pointy scissors on my quilt.

I'm ready to start quilting the last applique triangle in this row.

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching,  Oh Scrap, Bambi's Show & Tell MondayMonday MakingDesign Wall MondayBOM's Away


  1. What a lovely way to start your new year with the quilting of your Floral Triangles. I always love to revisit your beautiful quilt-in-the-making.

  2. I have always loved this quilt can't wait to see what it looks like off the frame when bound and done

  3. Yeah for the center. I love the applique on this quilt and have been enjoying the eye candy.

  4. I am sooo enjoying this slow stitching progress... and halfway for you too! YAY!!!! Kathi

  5. Beautiful quilting as always. Love watching your progress!

  6. Your lovely hand quilting photos make me sooo happy!
    WIshing for lots of quilting time in 2020!

  7. You are moving through this quilt at such a steady pace. It is such a beauty!

  8. So glad to see there are still some hand quilters out there. I love hand quilting and the look you get can not compare to any machine quilting. Your quilt and quilting is lovely.

  9. I'm enjoying following your quilting of the Floral Triangles, makes me wish I had some hand quilting on the go.

  10. Gorgeous! And that's probably a good tip...use blunt scissors while hand quilting.

  11. This is beautiful. There is so much to admire in each picture: the fabric, the piecing, the quilting. The finshed quilt will be absolutely stunning!

  12. Your hand quilting is beautiful, and I love 30s fabics. What kind of betting are you using?

  13. Happy New Year!
    I admire your hand quilting, it's really outstanding.

  14. Love your quilting and happy new year

  15. You are really making great headway on this quilt! So pretty
