Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Happy Little Things

Since Grandma's Embroidered blocks are in a flimsy, I pulled another unfinished project.

Last summer I participated in Jacquelynne Steve's Happy Little Things sew-along but I decided I didn't want to finish my embroideries the way Jacquelynne did.

At the Jane Stickle retreat, I sewed fabric strips for my alternate blocks. Since I've been home, I subcut the strips and sewed 9-patches. 

This is what I've sewn so far.

This quilt will be 14 9-patches across by 15 down.

I have enough blocks for rows 10 and 11.

And yes, the blocks are placed rather randomly.
Do you see the rectangular block in the center?

Several years ago, one of my friends had me choose a design to embroider then sew into a pillow. I selected this saying.

She got mixed up and used a different one, then felt bad and hand embroidered this block for me anyway.

I've had it hanging on the design wall for years. When I put the Happy Little Things blocks on the wall, they were next to this block. Blue and white, it would look perfect in this quilt, so I added it. So glad to get it into a project and off the wall.

I need to cut more strips and make more 9-patches. This is going to be a nice crib quilt.

Linking to To Do Tuesday, Midweek Makers, Put Your Foot Down, Needle & Thread ThursdayPeacock Party, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, TGIFF!, Brag About Your Beauties, Finished Or Not Friday, UFO Busting


  1. I love the fun, "random" placement of the blocks. So creative.

  2. Hi Gretchen! Oh, that is so fabulous that you get to include your friend's piece in this quilt. Especially since it was made especially for you. It sure does go nicely in with the mixture of yellow and blue. That is one of my favorite color palettes - they just look so pleasing together to me. My bathroom reflects those same shades and have for over 30 years. Hmm. Maybe I need an update - nah, I still love it. Thanks for linking up! ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. What a wonderful way to honor that gifted stitchery Gretchen... I really like this ... excited to start some embroidery work in February!!! Have a great day ~ Kathi

  4. I think it's just right that the colors in the blocks are randomly placed. It's what makes it so attractive. I think I'd keep it and hang it on the wall, with all the beautiful stitching.

  5. This is going to be really nice and I love the embroidered block. I also love blue and yellow in a quilt. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.

  6. This is going to be a lovely quilt, both in color and embroidery.

  7. Love it! Your different spin on the quilt really makes the blocks stand out!

  8. Great idea for using a few very special blocks.

  9. I was wondering what to do with my "happy little things" centres too. I didn't much care for the outsides of the blocks, but now you've given me an idea. Thanks. I like the setting among the yellow and blue 9-patches.

  10. Oh this is such a cool project!!! I love how it is coming along!!!

  11. It's fabulous! What a great idea for sewing these embroidery blocks into a quilt... surrounded by 9 patches! Love it!

  12. Love what you have done with your blocks!

  13. This will be such a special baby quilt, I love blue, white and yellow together.

  14. Another beauty, Gretchen, and staggering the embroidery is inspired!
