Friday, December 13, 2019

Retreat Project #4, Happy Little Things

I had finished the embroidery for the Happy Little Things embroidery sew along. I trimmed my blocks then sewed sashing to them. I used 2 fabrics, a dark blue and a light blue.

My quilt is going to be finished differently than the original.

I hadn't taken enough of the light blue along to retreat but I've found more in my stash since I've been home. Now I just need to finish that block. 

I did strip piece parts of the alternate blocks, just need to get them cut apart and sewn into the finished blocks.

I have plenty of projects to start off 2020.

Linking to Peacock Party, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, TGIFF!, Brag About Your Beauties, Finished Or Not Friday , UFO Busting


  1. Very pretty, looking forward to seeing how it all comes together.

  2. Those are so pretty - and the blue borders make the blocks pop!!!

    1. I was concerned if the embroidery would show since I used a figured background fabric. The borders really wake up the blocks. Thanks!

  3. It's beautiful. I think the leafy print background goes very well with the embroidery.

  4. Oh so sweet those wee block Gretchen, they must have been so relaxing while doing them, not to intricate and very sweet wee blocks. Like the dark and light blue borders sue make those wee flowers Pop. I've been preparing pineapple scales for my other 1/2 of HOTYH in my evening this week LOL CHeers Glenda

  5. Your Happy Little things embroidery makes me want to start my embroidery quilt... I have the pattern hanging on the wall enticing me to finish Swoon. I am getting close though! 2020 will be a handwork start out for me... Excited to see how your 2020 list is shaping up! :) Did I say I think your embroideries are awesome and your sashing is great too!!! Glad you found more of the light blue too!!!

  6. VERY Pretty and love the blue borders! Embroidery is so pretty! Another one you finished before I could even get started! Hugs
