Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Feathered Star

I wish everyone a peaceful Merry Christmas no matter what you're doing or who you are with today. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.

Every year I like to set a challenge or two for me to accomplish during the year. One of the challenges of 2019 was to piece a feathered star, just 1 star, that's it! And then turn it into a crib quilt because I didn't want it to lay around.

The year has rushed by, so I decided December was the month to make the star if I wanted to meet this challenge. Earlier this year, I had googled free foundation pieced feathered stars. One of the options that pulled up was the Threaded Quilting Studio. If you sign up for her newsletter, you'll receive the feathered star pattern in three sizes, 16", 12" and 8". 

I used the 16" pattern for my quilt. 

The background fabric is a light gray and I decided to use a color other than blue, I like this reddish/pink color.

Along with the pattern, she even tells you what size to cut the pieces for the foundation paper piecing. She is generous with the cuts but, trust me, voice of experience here, you want plenty of fabric to trim. It is no fun to have your piece be too small.

My original plan was to piece the feathered star then add a checkerboard border but when I saw the feathered star quilt with sawtooth stars surrounding it on Patchwork Inspirations, I knew I had to change my plan. Scroll down in the pictures until you find it, isn't that a lovely quilt?

I didn't want to make that many sawtooth blocks but I did make 16. 

Then I made the checkerboard border and here she is! She measures 49" square.

She's in the process of being quilted, I had hoped to have her finished for a Christmas reveal but it took awhile to piece the sawtooth blocks. She'll be the last finish for 2019.

I went with a two color project, I was auditioning the pattern and didn't want the distraction of more than 2 fabrics. I do plan to revisit the feathered star again sometime, and will use more than 1 fabric next time.

This is a well written pattern with clear directions. Jess also has step by step videos. 

Linking to To Do Tuesday, Midweek MakersNeedle & Thread Thursday, Put Your Foot Down.


  1. Oh Gretchen!!! What an amazingly awesome flimsy you made... can't wait to see how you quilt it !!! OH WOW just so great! I have wanted to tackle a pieced feathered star... maybe I should just try her method since you liked it and go with paper piecing... hmmm
    I got the best happy mail yesterday!! It made me smile so big :D Merry Christmas friend!!! Kathi

    1. A feathered star may not be the best project to pp if you're not used to using this technique. Watch the videos and see what you think. I'm very pleased with how it turned out. Merry Christmas!

  2. that turned out wonderful well be looking forward to seeing how you finish it up

  3. Super gorgeous, I have always loved feathered stars. Merry Christmas.

  4. Very pretty - I am glad I ran across Patchwork Inspirations - I am going to do my Star Medallion more like the picture I sent you. But yours is striking with the checkered border - it really showcases the FS!

  5. Hi Gretchen! I have never made a feathered star . . . yet. This sure turned out great and I love that you can make different sizes. The sawtooth star is my absolute favorite and what a great combination the make. Of course, I'm also a big fan of red so this two color quilt would be one I'm drawn to. Thanks for linking up! ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Hi Gretchen, Love your feathered star and what you have done with it.
    Can you tell me what size your saw tooth stars are and what size the the squares are for the checkered border? I'd appreciate it!

    1. The sawtooth stars finish at 5" and the squares finish at 1-1/2". Have fun making your own quilt! Happy Stitching!

  7. Your feathered star looks awesome surrounded with the other stars and checkered border - well done! Makes me want to dig out my feathered star UFO and finish it up.
