Friday, December 27, 2019

Feathered Star Finish!

The feathered star is quilted! I admit my machine quilting isn't the greatest, hand quilting is my specialty. I don't think it's too bad but there are some oops! I'm never going to improve though if I don't practice.

The thread I used was a white iridescent that I thought would look nice.

The center was quilted using a Baptist Fan design.

After the quilt was completely quilted, I added the decorative stitching in the gray border between the stars and checkerboard. I didn't feel like quilting a small design, I was quilted out! 

The checkerboard border was quilted with diagonal cross hatching which I didn't mark, just eyed it.

The backing is fabric that has been waiting for years to be used. At first glance you wonder why I used it but the flower matches the color of the stars. 

I needed to piece the backing so I used some of the leftover checkerboard border for a nice touch.

The grass was too wet for a picture so I draped it over the glider on the porch.

After the quilting and washing, it measures 48", a nice size for a crib quilt. 

For information about the pattern, read Wednesday's post.

Linking to Peacock Party, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, TGIFF!, Brag About Your Beauties, Finished Or Not Friday, Let's Make Baby Quilts, UFO Busting, Free Motion Mavericks


  1. Oh what a cute little quilt! I am loving the checkerboard border!!!!! My hats go off to you for piecing a feathered star not for the faint at heart!

  2. that is great that you are practicing and have the right attitude that you won't get better if you don't practice. I on the other hand finally came to the conclusion why bother to practice machine quilting if one doesn't enjoy it. I might still try to do straight line quilting now and then to get something done fast but why bother if I don't enjoy doing them that way?

    1. I can't say that machine quilting is something I 'enjoy' but I do want my project to look nice whether machine or hand quilted. I don't have the time to hand quilt everything and machine quilting can look nice. Machine quilting is like hand quilting in the fact that it takes practice and more practice. I want to be able to do more than straightline quilting. If you're satisfied with that, then fine, but I'm not satisfied.

  3. Beautiful! I love a feathered star.

  4. What a great finish... quilted AND bound AND washed and showed off too <3 YOu rock!!

  5. Beautiful finish and I think your machine stitching is not only lovely, but just right!

  6. I love the feathered star. I redrafted one on EQ6 years ago and printed off the foundation pattern for a 15 inch block. I like that you quilted it with a Baptist Fan design.

  7. Oh my gosh ! that is a stunner!!! the quilting is perfect for it and lets the quilt just shine!!

  8. You did a great job Gretchen and the quilt is a beautiful finish!!!!!!!!

  9. Hi again! Oh, I love the finished quilt. It's a really fun one in my opinion. This makes me want to rush right out and start a new project in red and white. ~smile~ Roseanne

  10. Love It! A Feathered Star medallion quilt is on my "To Do" list and I've been thinking about making some Red & White quilts so this thrills me. Remember the "Man on a Galloping Horse" rule when it comes to the quilt stitching -- only you and a quilt show judge will notice! Wonderful finish!

  11. So very striking! The checkerboard looks amazing with the feathered star.😍

  12. Beautiful quilt and you did a wonderful job on the quilting.

  13. Your quilting looks great!! This quilt is very striking in red and white. I love it. Thank you for linking up to the Peacock Party.

  14. I love it. You did a great job. Your quilting is beautiful. Just keep quilting. All it takes is practice! I think we all aim for perfection, but in the end, the only people who will really notice would be ourselves and a quilting judge! LOL

  15. You know, I left a comment last night and it is no where to be found!!!!!!!!!
    You did a wonderful job on this quilt! So pretty in Red and White! Nice Wall Hanging for someone or a nice crib quilt!

  16. Your feathered star is beautiful!! I love the design and (with the stars and the checkerboard) I love that you did a red and white colour scheme. Well done on meeting your challenge! PS The quilting looks great :-)

  17. So pretty! What a wonderful finish.:)

  18. Oh, the Feathered Star is wonderful! Especially in red and white. I was playing with a Feathered Star design just a few days ago trying to re-create an older Jan Patek pattern that is no longer available. I just couldn't figure out exactly how to draw it in Electric Quilt. Then I discovered that I had a copy of that old pattern in my stash that someone had given me. Duh! Solved all my drawing problems right away once I found I had it.

  19. Spectacular Finish!!! You must be so proud of it, Gretchen. I can totally understand being quilted out :-)

  20. Great finish. It looks awesome. Thanks for linking up with Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday.

  21. Hello Gretchen,
    Your quilt is absolutely gorgeous. I love the way you carried on despite the fact you weren't enjoying yourself. I know that feeling.
    Thank you for linking up with Free Motion Mavericks - your quilt is this week's featured project!
    Love, Muv
