Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Metro Rings Finish

Late last spring, I took several flimsies to Lori Null to have long arm quilted. They came back home in late September/early October. Now they needed to have the binding to be completely finished.

I sewed the binding on Metro Rings first because it was the smaller quilt at 69" by 88". I pieced Metro rings at the Jane Stickle retreat last April. You can read about it here.

Lori did a lovely job, here's a close up of the quilting.

And a close up of the border which doesn't really show that well.

For backing I used fabric I had on hand. I thought the light green and peach color rather coordinated with the fabrics on the front.

The quilting shows nicely on the backside.

My mother gave me this green fabric years ago, in fact I used some of on the back of a quilt I made son #1 and his bride for a wedding quilt back in 2000.

I think the peach is from her stash too, she had a lot of that '80's peach color.

I added the outside borders to the quilt myself, that wasn't a part of the original pattern. I wanted the quilt to be twin sized so, borders it was!

I'll try to get the binding on the other quilt for next week's post.

Linking to Midweek Makers, Needle & Thread ThursdayPeacock Party, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, TGIFF!, Brag About Your Beauties, Finished Or Not Friday


  1. these are lovely! Gretchen was it you who said you grow amaryllis in your garden in the summer and then dig them up and bring them in to flower in the house? I had two that I put in the garden and dug them up yesterday and brought in the house in pots - do I need to do anything special to them?

  2. Hello Gretchen,
    I love your Metro Rings. 😍 The fabrics are very great and the Quilt is wonderful.

    Have a nice day...

  3. This is a beautiful quilt in every way - colors, patterns and quilting.
    It would go to a very lucky person, IF you can part with it :-)

    1. As of now, I don't have anyone in mind to gift it to. I'm planning on putting this one on the back of the couch this winter. It will bring a touch of color to the gloomy days of winter, unless we have a snowy winter, then the sun will shine.

  4. Your floral triangles are beautiful and how wonderful to have these lovely quilts to bind. So talented you are Gretchen.

  5. Hi Gretchen! Ahh, the 80s peach color fabric. I was in love with that fabric at one time. In fact, I started a pieced quilted jacket with peach as the lining. It was never finished, but I turned it into a donation quilt that I hope someone is loving now. Your quilt turned out fabulously, and the peach and green combination was a good one. It's nice to be able to enjoy such a beautiful quilt now isn't it? And to have a bit of that older stash fabric used is a good thing as well. ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Oh, it's like Christmas around your house! It must be so nice to receive all those projects back quilted. This finish is lovely, and I look forward to seeing its friends!

  7. Oh how beautiful! Love how you were able to use fabrics that were important to you!

  8. Congrats on a beautiful finish!!
