Sunday, October 27, 2019

A Stitch at a Time

I'm halfway finished with the leaves on the center medallion from Stars Around the Garden! I think the brown from the leaves look rather heavy. I plan to add some brown circles to the medallion. I think that will add more balance.

My hand quilting on Floral Triangles is progressing.

The right side borders.

I'm quilting the top of the triangles and into the next row. I'm also stitching in the ditch along the horizontal seam line between the rows.

The right half triangle.

Here are 3 more pictures of completed triangles.

My quilt larger than the pattern. I don't remember what the original size was to be and I can't check since I no longer have my pattern. I made double the amount of triangles.

This flower on the right is made with hexdens and was what the original pattern called for. I was very tired of making these and thought they were rather boring.

There were several ladies making this quilt at the Jane Stickle retreat and of course we checked each other's progress. Cindy was making her flowers like the one on the left. I loved it, it looked so much more interesting then the hexdens so I incorporated that idea into my quilt with the 2nd round of applique triangles. The yellow flower in one of the above photos was also made using the circles.

I brought other ideas for flowers with the 2nd round too. You'll see them as I progress further on this quilt.

I did get the flower for Happy Little Things traced off but haven't gotten to the embroidery. I might as well wait until the November block is released then embroider them at the same time.

What do you use for hanging wall quilts? I have a couple hangers that you slide the quilt into, then clamp it tight. This eliminates the need for a sleeve on the back but they're a nuisance to change quilts. 

The hangers were also challenging to put up on the wall. Both my son and son in law told me not to get anymore of them.

My son has installed some curtain rods which seem to work very nice. I do wish the quilts were more back again the wall instead of hanging away 6" but they are much easier to switch even if I do have to add a sleeve.

This is the Infinity bargello wall quilt I made a year ago.

This one was many years back. It's an Edyta Sitar pattern from her first book which is all about HST's.  I can't seem to locate it right now but I know it's here someplace!

This was my first encounter with raw edge applique.

This was made years ago before I had a blog.

The Christmas cactus full of flowers. They will probably last through most of November. The color is more of a salmon than pink, just lovely!

Our maple trees have finally turned color. I'll try to get a picture this week, the orange/red color is so beautiful!

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, Oh Scrap, Bambi's Show & Tell MondayMonday MakingDesign Wall Monday, BOM's AwayMoving It Forward


  1. I love visiting you and seeing the progress of your Floral Triangles quilt. Love all those pretty fabrics and your quilting is exceptional! Your centre medallion from Stars Around the Garden is progressing nicely. All those little leaves....lovely stitching. I only have one quilt on my wall. I used a curtain rod through a pocket. As you say it is easy to get down and launder it. You have some fabulous quilts hanging on your walls.

  2. Gretchen, Such a full and enjoyable post you shared at Kathy's :) I love your applique... do you have a tutorial on how you do your applique so nicely??? Or are you just a good needle turner??
    I love your triangle quilt quilting... and how you evolved it to a larger size and made it your own influenced by friends :) I love your Christmas cactus ... mine is thinking of blooming but none yet! We have some color but not as much as this time last year due to lack of rain the end of summer. I will look forward to your photos of your maple trees next weekend ... Have a wonderful Sunday my friend! Kathi

  3. to hang quilts on the wall I put a sleeve on the back - two pieces with a cut out in the middle on large quilts because my hanger on the wall has a bracket for the middle to hold up weight - I use a decorative curtain rod in a black or brass color. Love your quilt and the quilting. I have two Christmas cactus I had both on the porch all summer, and recently were brought back inside sometimes they flower and other times they don't

  4. You always have such a beautiful even stitch in your quilting. It amazes me. I need a lot of practice to get half that good. It is such a pleasure to the eye to see your quilts. Awesome work! Enjoy! ;^)

  5. Always love seeing your stitches and I agree about the flowers. If you are looking for an easy hanger that brings your quilt right up against the wall try hang it dang it. They come in several sizes and are adjustable and it makes your quilt look like it was hung in an art gallery. A bit pricey but I think so worth it. I found mine on Amazon.

  6. I always love seeing your gorgeous quilting. My DH built me 2 quilt hangers, that have a small shelf on top, and then notches on the sides where curtain rods fit in. So that is what I use. These quilt hanger/shelves are about 5' long I think.

  7. The little circle flowers are very pretty! And your quilting so beautiful. That infinity Bargello quilt is fabulous. I must admit I don't hang my quilts up but maybe I should!

  8. I love the blues and browns together. The tree quilt is GORGEOUS! The applique really makes it special. Keep on stitching! Now I need to search to see if I can find that Edyta Sitar book at an Ohio library. I love HSTs!

  9. Your hand quilting is totally gorgeous. I realized that I slow down and enjoy all the pictures you share but I've never told you. Thank you for inspiring me with your photos and your quilting.

  10. Absolutely stunning Gretchen. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  11. Gorgeous quilts! Your hand quilting on Floral Triangles is beautiful.

  12. I didn't have time to view all the lovelies this week, but I came over looking for you and your quilting progress. So very beautiful! Christmas cactus is gorgeous... I keep watching mine, to see if it is going to produce flowers this year.

  13. I so enjoy looking at your beautiful hand quilting on Monday mornings. I too like the circle shaped flower petals better. I always learn something at the Shipshewana retreat, so much talent in the room. I have had a stair railing in the last two houses, and drape a quilt over it. I should look for something to hang a large quilt on the wall. Great pictures this morning! Thanks!

  14. Pretty hand quilting, I love to see your quilt coming up!

  15. I use the clamp type quilt hangers for the most part. Hubby made several for me so I have lots of quilts hanging around. Some I change seasonally or even monthly others have a set quilt and it doesn't get changed. But I sure enjoy having my quilts visible. You might see if Lowes or Home Depot has a bracket that would be less than 6" away from the wall. It might be in the hardware section rather than the curtain rod section. Good luck.

  16. Your quilting is absolutely amazing Gretchen! The quilt itself is pretty special also!! :-)

  17. I use the Hang It Dang It Quilt Hanger. I love it. My quilt is close to the wall and you use Command Hooks to hang it. Your quilting is absolutely gorgeous. I am so jealous of your Christmas cactus. I have two that haven't bloomed in years. I don't think I am taking care of them correctly and they may need to be transplanted to larger pots. I also love your Bargello quilt. I have that pattern. I have to make it sometime. I just love it.

  18. I've used a painted dowel with screw eyes on the ends for regular hanging sleeves. Then a piece of lathe with a sawtooth picture hanger on the back covered in fabric to go in smaller quilts with a hole in the hanging sleeve in the center. Small quilt hangers that I've purchased... these are all for lap size or smaller. Have never had a wall for bed sized quilts to be hung.
