Saturday, January 12, 2019

RSC Project for 2019

I have several new projects I would like to make this year.  One of them is Ancient Stars, a Sue Garman pattern. This is not a fast, speedy, whip it up in a month quilt, at least not for me.

I first saw this pattern sewn into quilts at a Jane Stickle Retreat. Three friends had challenged each other to make the quilt and they were showing them in Show & Tell. Each friend had made the quilt in a different color scheme, red/black, cheddar/black and a green/brown combination. They were all beautiful! It made me want to start sewing stars immediately. I ordered the pattern when I got home from the retreat, it has patiently waited several years on the bucket list.

I have a LOT of civil war fabrics so that's what I'm using. The center of the quilt consists of 4-1/2" finished Ohio star blocks, a lot of them! If I make 10 Ohio stars a month for 10  months, I'll have all the Ohio stars I need.

I'm going to make my stars in many colors but I couldn't decide which color to start with. So for 2019 I'm going to sew along following the RSC color of the month. The QST's will be the color of the month.

Here are the 11 Ohio stars I've pieced for January. I know I said I need 10 a month but I accidentally cut extra triangles so I sewed 11 stars.

The bottom right star is not an Ohio star, he's an evening star. The Ohio stars are for the center section of the quilt, there will be an outer border of evening stars. I made one evening star to test my paper piecing pattern, it's correct.

Yes, I'm foundation paper piecing these stars. They're still not perfect but they are more correctly paper pieced than if I were making them without the paper. The paper piecing is my own addition to the pattern, they were not provided in the pattern.

I need a bazillion 1" finished HST's too. I'm also sewing those for the RSC even though I sewed some black ones this month. Here are the first 60 of many to come.

I am using Thangles for paper piecing these little guys.

When I first decided to make this pattern, my intentions were to make it exactly like the pattern. Then I thought about how much more interesting the center would look if the Ohio stars were placed on point, my favorite way. Then I thought about a couple of other changes. I'm not sure how this quilt is going to look when I get him completed but one thing for sure, it won't look like the picture on the cover of the pattern.

For now I'm going to concentrate on piecing the HST's and the Ohio Stars, the evening stars will happen in 2020. Like I said, this is going to be a slow, long term piecing project but I've made the start.

Linking to Show Off Saturday, Scrap Happy Saturday, Oh Scrap


  1. Your stars are so pretty. The extra one you can use for a pincushion or a needle case. I can recommend sewing the HTSs on paper, and then cut them up. So little scraps after you've finished them. And they get really perfect.

  2. Off to a wonderful start on a very long term project. So many quilts end up taking many years, but it is nice to know going in that there is no rush.

  3. Ancient Stars is a wonderful quilt with a lot of work involved. You are off to a very beautiful start. There is a way to make QST or Hourglass without cutting triangles. It is all made with squares. I can find the tutorial for you if you are interested. Just let me know. ;^)

  4. I had not heard the name of the pattern but would probably recognize it - I love Sue Garman patterns and Ohio Stars.

  5. You are off to a good start. A pattern is just the start, making your own is the fun part. Looking forward to watching this one come together.

  6. very nice and a great way to make sure that at least it is moving along and not forgotten.

  7. Congrats on a good plan for such a long-term project. You’ve made a great start!

  8. What a beautiful pattern! Your alterations sound intriguing too.

  9. Good idea for an RSC project and I also like the way you are already making the pattern your own.

  10. Lovely start to a long-term RSC project!!

  11. Sue Garman designed so many intricate quilts. So many beauties. I look forward to seeing progress on your long term project.

  12. I love your stars... I am not a big fan of paper piecing stuff as it messes with me and never turns out... I always love looking at the work of those that can though! lol Happy stitching and enjoy the process... I don't like to rush a fun quilting process :) Kathi

  13. Very nice Gretchen. You are one month into the finish of this quilt! Yea! Your Stars look great! I like the colors and following the colors of RSC will really make the quilt look great! The Evening Star looks good too! Hugs

  14. What a great way to do a big project! This sounds like an intricate project, and much more fun when done in stages. Beautiful stars.

  15. Love your paper pieced stars! That's a great project, and I'm looking forward to see it growing!

  16. Great start on a beautiful project. The blocks are lively. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  17. Wonderful stars! Ohio Stars are one of my favorite blocks and yours are going to really shine in that quilt!
