Sunday, January 13, 2019

Another Week of Slow Quilting

Thank you for all the kind comments you all leave about my quilting. I'm not very good about reply to your comments unless a direct question is asked. I really try to stay focused on not spending too much time on the computer reading blogs. An hour can slip by and it only seems like a few minutes. That hour is gone and I didn't stitch at all!

This week I quilted all the way across the row. The quilting
was mostly quilting the background fabric in between row 2 and 3 so you will get to see all the pretty designs in the corners!

I'm just going to show you the pictures and not make comments like I normally do.

Those pictures weren't in the correct order but they show you what I've done.

When I quilt in between the applique rows, I don't go straight across. I'll quilt the design in the corners .

Now the design is quilted. I'll quilt the diamonds and the applique.

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, Show & Tell MondayMonday MakingDesign Wall MondayMoving It Forward, BOM's Away, Esther's Wednesday WOW!


  1. I love your stitching you are sharing today... and I love how you are doing the design then the diamond pattern! Happy stitching Gretchen! Kathi

  2. Lovely quilting!
    I agree with you about the computer... It can steal precious hand stitching time!

  3. I am always inspired looking at your quilting Gretchen! I love blogging, but it can really be a black hole for time! I have started reading blogs during my breakfast and lunch times during the week, and limiting my evenings, or as you say, I would never get any stitching done!

  4. I love all the different designs you are using in between the motifs. So much more interesting to look at (and to quilt, I'm sure) than the same design over and over.

  5. I know what you mean about blogging stealing away your time . . . there's good and bad in everything. I've been inspired and met so many lovely people through blogging, too.
    Your quilt is gorgeous.
    Connie :)

  6. I love the diamond part! It's almost time to roll the quilt again. You are cruising right along.

  7. I love your stitching. I know how easy it is to while away time on the computer and find that an hour or more has been wasted.

  8. Your quilting is beautiful. I have added your blog to my reader, I found you via Slow Sunday stitching. Have a terrific Slow Sunday Stitching.

  9. You get an A+ for quilting and design. Beautiful

  10. Beautiful and I am trying to get my email finished in 15 minutes - LOL

  11. This is coming along nicely. Denise-For the love of geese

  12. Such beautiful, tiny stitches! This quilt is stunning!
