Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Organizing & Log Cabins

For the past year I've been reorganizing my cutting/fabric room. I've evaluated bagged projects to see if I want to still make them, then repurposed the fabric and patterns from the projects that didn't make the cut.

The best organizing tool I've incorporated is this pegboard for the small items and rulers.

It is so nice to find the small items quickly and the rulers are right there at hand. 

The rulers used to be kept on a rack but that just didn't work for me.

I moved the cutting table into the center of the room under the overhead light. Now I can walk all the way around the table. 

The room looks cluttered now but this picture was taken while working on Scrappy 9 Patch. That is what the boxes on the table are for. As soon as that quilt was finished, I put the boxes away. Cleaning up after each project is a good way to eliminate clutter too.

A couple years ago I bought metal shelving which has helped with the organization. The fabrics are sorted by color and kept in tubs on these shelves.

The large tubs, center bottom, contain fabrics kitted for a projects with the pattern enclosed.
Those bolts of fabric in the bags look sloppy. I'll take care of those. 
This looks better with the bags off the bolts of fabric.

The second shelf still looks messy. The boxes contain varying widths of strings. I don't use strings a lot and they're starting to take over.

This is the box of 1-1/2" strips that you see on the right side in the above photo.

It originally held paper for the printer so you can visualize how large it is.

I wonder how many quilts are in this box and basket?

I've issued a challenge to myself, I'm going to see how many quilts I can piece from these strings in 2019. I did use some of them in the string quilt but that didn't even make a dent!

I will be making several log cabin flimsies. I like the log cabin block, the blocks can be arrange in so many different designs.

I've made a start on two log cabins so far. This one is brights.

And this stack consists of fall colors. Actually I'm making enough blocks to make two tops in fall colors, both different.

There will also be one in blues, purples and whatever is left in the box.

I did empty the basket of the whites and creams so I've pulled out background fabrics left from other projects.

Digging through the box has caused an explosion of strings in my sewing room and they're taking over everywhere!

The log cabin blocks are going to be an ongoing project for 2019. I will work on them in between other projects. These blocks sew fast and don't require a lot of thinking!

Linking to Let's Bee SocialNeedle & Thread Thursday, Finished Or Not Friday, TGIFF!, Show Off Saturday, Oh Scrap!


  1. I'm in organizing mode this week is well. I feel like 2019 is going to be more productive already. Happy new year.

  2. I am finally sewing after getting organized myself. I am glad you like your pegboard... I have pondered one myself... I have looked at a table top swivel or using precious little wall space for one... will let you know what happens later this month or into next month though! Happy log cabin creating... I have a spiral log cabin that is next up to be hand quilted here ... it will hang in the kitchen when complete! lol Kathi

  3. WOW you have a lot of Log Cabin quilts coming in 2019 Gretchen! Great way to use those scraps up! I like the one on the design board. There are some pretty quilts that are easy on the brain that will be made from the strips. I have to be organized or I cannot think. I had purchased yardage of batiks and they sat on the ironing table for a week or so. I stopped progress on BH to press and fold them! You certainly kept me focused last year to clear out my UFOs. It was great to see you complete all of your UFOs and I am about to complete all that I needed to clear out!

  4. I have one ruler rack on my table and at times think of getting rid of it and hang the rulers up but I no longer have room on the peg board and would have to get another or hang them on the wall next to it. I too have plastic tubs with strips and things in them and plan to do something with them this year - there are probably enough scraps in this room to make 50 quilts! (well maybe not that many but you get the idea)

  5. Love the bright log cabin quilt! I love the peg board idea and may have to give that a try. It's hard organizing! I've never found the perfect solution and am always on the look out for new and better ideas. The problem I have is when I do organize...I can't remember where things are! Good luck! You are well on your way to making your sewing room perfect!

  6. Thank you for sharing good ideas from your sewing room. I`m going to paint and have a new wallpaper this spring. I`m also thinking of great systems for all my fabrics and other things in my sewing room. I have a picture ledge from Ikea to my rulers and like it. (Mosslanda Bilderleiste) :-)

  7. It's very interesting to see how you are dealing with projects and fabrics in your sewing space. Great new project with the log cabin blocks! The biggest thing I need to learn to do is to tidy up after each project - I have a habit of stacking the fabrics in a pile (neatly folded, mind you!) at one end of the cutting bench and there they sit....

  8. I like projects that do not require a lot of thinking.

  9. Looks like your sewing space is quite large, have fun reorganizing everything ;)

  10. Hi Gretchen! You are inspiring me . . . to do some cleaning and sorting. AND to make some log cabin blocks. They have been on my mind, brewing in the background for a bit now. It really is a versatile block with so many options for its use. Happy Friday. ~smile~ Roseanne

  11. Happy New Year, Gretchen! This post has been most inspiring. I so desperately need to halt all seeing an clean this room - and I’m talking about a DEEP CLEAN! As an earlier commenter said - it’s a lot of work! Here’s to many great projects this year!

  12. Gretchen, I loved a peek into your sewing space and all of your organization platforms. I also loved your log cabin quilt from scraps. Those scrap bins will yield beautiful quilts.

  13. I have been busy organizing my sewing room too. I found my cutting table yesterday. Love your log cabin blocks. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  14. You made great progress.This is really pretty and good idea on site !

