Sunday, January 6, 2019

12 Weeks of Hand Quilting

I've been quilting the Pastor's Attic quilt for 12 weeks. I'm
making slow progress and I'm still enjoying myself. Hand quilting isn't a fast process, you need patience. I try to quilt every day for at least an hour or more, just depends on what all I have going on each day. 

The center section of applique row 2 is completed. 

Here in my progress starting from the center and moving to the left.

Center block.

Next block left of center.

In between two of the blocks.

Left Block.
Left border.

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, Peacock Party, Oh Scrap, Show & Tell MondayMonday Making, Design Wall MondayBOM's AwayMoving It Forward, Esther's Wednesday WOW!


  1. Gretchen, in this hurried world we progressively find ourselves sucked into I needed your sweet word of Patience today!!! Maybe that will be my word of the week to recall as so many projects loom over me and I am still trying to heal from this illness. Patience is like a calm reserve to fall into with my slow stitching! Thank you and thanks for sharing the overview and the close ups of your beautiful stitching this week too! Happy patient stitching :)

  2. I admire your ability to slow down and hand quilt each day. Just lovely.

  3. nice stitch work this will be and already is so pretty when it is finished.

  4. Such lovely work. It is coming along so quickly.

  5. It's always lovely to see your progress

  6. Your quilting is lovely. I need to get a top that is 'hand quilt worthy' finished and in the frame.

  7. Such beautiful blocks to revisit as you quilt each section!
    If everyone were to sit quietly for an hour each day to stitch or read or meditate, what a different world it would be!

  8. Hand quilting is a lost art. I remember a time when it was the only way to finish a quilt, and I loved to do it. It was a great way to fill sit-down-time. Hand quilting the diamond pattern will finish this quilt perfectly. How are your fingers?

    1. I have a crack on my right thumb. So far it hasn't caused any problems. I use hand lotion several times a day except when I'm going to go quilt. At night it's bandaids and salve. When I don't feel like doing anything else, quilting is a good excuse to sit down and relax!

    2. When I get cracks I used liquid bandage which goes by the brand name New Skin, but most pharmacies and even Kroger has an off brand. I like Kroger's version best. It stings like heck when I put it on but it helps the cracks heal and more harm from the needle. Your quilt is beautiful! Beautiful appliques, beautiful quilting!

  9. I enjoy watching your progress. It seems to me that you are working fairly quickly.

  10. I love your hand quilting your lines are so fine and the stitches are beautiful.

  11. I must repeat your opening statements as my mantra for this year. Your stitching is moving along nicely and it's great you make time for it every day --- something else I need to try to do!

  12. Wow! Your quilt is going to be beautiful. Your hand quilting stitches are so tiny, and so straight. Thank you for linking up to the Peacock Party.

  13. This is such a gorgeous quilt I can't imagine getting tired of working on it! Great progress and such inspiring photos

  14. Simply gorgeous, Gretchen! This is such a beauty!

  15. Your hand quilting is so pretty. Lately not a night goes by that I'm not hand quilting. Right now I'm hand quilting a simple charity quilt for the guild. It is my favourite form of relaxing and unwinding.

  16. Beautiful hand quilting and it is great that you schedule an hour a day if possible. Before you know it you will be finished!

  17. Hand quilting is such a beautiful addition to a quilt. I am so glad you are able to do it.

  18. Your applique and hand quilting are just breathtaking, Gretchen! Slow and steady wins the... Wait a minute! It's actually NOT A RACE!! :-)
