Sunday, December 23, 2018

Pastor's Attic & Lucy Too

The row that was started 2 weeks ago on the Pastor's Attic quilt is finished. I think the quilting designs in the corners of the blocks look so nice.    

The block I missed taking a picture of last week. I like to lightly brush my fingertips over the quilted applique, it has such wonderful texture.

It took awhile to get all those cherries quilted.

Now the rest of the row.

This vase also took quite awhile to quilt. The red area in the vase needed to be quilted on both sides but so worth the time and effort.

The quilting between these applique blocks. This is an older stencil I've had for years. Got to love the hearts!

Again I quilted along the embroidery and I stitched in the ditch around the centers of those flowers too. I don't just stitch around the outside of the flower petals, I stitch beside them on top of the black.

This flower design is my favorite of the stencils I'm using. I've had this one for several years but this is the first time I've used it.

This applique is not original to the quilt. There were two blocks I didn't like in this quilt so I substituted. 

The pattern for this Rose of Sharon Block came from a quilting 12" stencil. 

I had originally planned to use larger stencils in the corners but there just wasn't enough room. You wouldn't have been able to see enough of the quilting design to make sense of the quilting.

The half stencil dividing the center from the outside border. I only stitch in the ditch in the seam line when there's a stencil design. Otherwise the diamonds go across the seam from the border into the center.

Right side border. You can see I quilt around the randomly placed circles in the border. The pattern didn't have the circles. I added them because I wanted to.

Lucy is making progress. I've been EPPing the various components that go into this wall hanging. Some people are confused by what I'm doing. There's more to this project than just the fussy cut blocks everyone shows. There's the more mundane, not so beautiful blocks but very necessary.

This section is what I'm working on now. One is completed and need five more.

This is what the various parts look like now. Too much orange/gold together.

How about this layout? I don't need to decide today. I need to finish the edge pieces first.

You can tell by looking at these blocks, I liked the blues and orange/gold fabrics the best.

After the edge pieces are completed, I think I'll start sewing the sections together. Hexies will need to be added onto the outside edge but I'm ready to see some progress!

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, Oh Scrap, Show & Tell MondayMonday MakingDesign Wall Monday, Esther's Wednesday WOW!


  1. The joining sections of Lucy are perfect. I think I would separate the blocks with gold in them... Your quilting, as usual, is phenomenal!

  2. More beauty comes to life. I like the layout. And yes, the gold fabrics the best!

  3. I loved working on Lucy and didn't find it boring - I didn't do a lot of fussy cutting on it so mine is scrappy and not a work of fussy :) love your quilting

  4. Gretchen, the quilting is stunning! Such inspiring work! And those Lucy Boston blocks look fantastic. I have made a few blocks, but have never wanted to commit to the "mundane" stuff, so the blocks sit in a project tub, unused and ignored.

  5. Your Pastors Attic quilt is incredible! Your quilting is such a complement to your beautiful applique. I'm so glad I'm following your blog so that I can be inspired by your talent and hard work.

  6. Your quilting is really beautiful - I imagine that texture is wonderful! I would want to touch it all the time, too! Fun to see what is happening with your Lucy blocks, too.

  7. You always share such beautiful projects with Oh Scrap! I wish I had more time to applique.

  8. Your quilting is coming along beautifully, and I just love that block with all of the cherries - worth every stitch in my book.

  9. Your work is just beautiful. That is hand quilting on Pastors Attic isn't it? perfect. your fabric and color choices for both projects is spot on.

  10. Lovely quilting on Pastor's Attic and I love your Lucy block work too <3 Kathi

  11. Beautiful quilting... I'm always tempted to run my fingers over the texture of hand quilting!
    Merry Christmas!

  12. Absolutely perfect quilting and so much detail quilting around the little pieces! Lucy is interesting.

  13. Beautiful quilting....and I'm admiring your Lucy Boston progress! I love the white rows between the "blooms"! I just might give EPP a try in the new year! You're quite an inspiration!

  14. Gretchen, I feel blessed to have found your lovely blog. Fingers that have been quilting all their life . . . well, I just cannot image how glorious your stitches must be. I started quilting after retirement . . . I just meant to give it a try, but was bitten by the quilting bug and have not been able to stop since. It's such a wonderful thing and although only some of my quilts are hand-quilted, those are the ones I love the best.
    I was born and raised in Northern Indiana and although I've lived in Washington state for over 45 years, there is a part of my heart still in Indiana. One of the things that I miss most is lighting bugs, we do not have them here. We also live in a desert area and I miss the wildflowers that I picked as a child. There are wildflowers in the desert, but not really for picking and if you do you soon find that they are the home to millions of tiny bugs living on their fruitful branches.
    Well, sorry for the long comment . . . if you are still reading, I just want to say: that I am happy to have found your charming blog and will be adding you to my favorites list on my blog, so that I won't miss a single post.
    You are a true artist.
    Connie :)

  15. Hi Gretchen, your hand-quilting is really amazing. I also like your EPP. All the best in 2019!

  16. Thanks for participating in Show and Tell Monday !! Happy New Year! Wish Bambi

  17. Your quilting is fabulous Gretchen, and I look forward to your posts. :-)

  18. Your quilting is coming along beautifully.
