Wednesday, December 26, 2018

A String Flimsy

I really thought Infinity would be my sewing project for the whole month of December. I'm still in shock how fast she sewed. Now what?

Moda Cutting Table recently had several posts on string quilts, here and here. Lori from Humble Quilts had 2 posts also, here and here. Other blogs have been talking about strings too. I thought strings sound interesting, that is something different. I do want to reduce the various sized strings in the boxes.

Then I remembered ten years ago (or more!) I had started a project using one of Edyta Sitar's patterns. She didn't call it 'strings'. She called it 'making fabric'. Well, I sewed and sewed and sewed. Then I ran out of enthusiasm. The string fabric was folded and put away. Time to get that out and do something with it.

Lori had linked to her pinterest page about string quilts. There was one that really interested me. They had cut the strings into triangles, sewn them together into rows and then had white sashing running in between the rows. I liked it!

But my version of that quilt is very simplified. I cut triangles for the very center but didn't cut triangles for the rows. You know, that would have involved MATH! I didn't mitre the corners either. 

I wanted an easy design and this was it!

I had enough strings from the original 'string fabric' to make most of the quilt but not entirely, so I sewed more. I don't think you can tell the original strings from the newly sewn strings.

The quilt turned out square but I added a row of white/strings to the top and bottom. She measures 90" by 103".
I did trim each row after it was sewn onto the body. I'm not a perfect 1/4" sewist and need to trim.

Moda's String Along is starting December 28th and Lori's String Along starts in January. I'm at the head of the group for once, my flimsy is finished and I have a queen sized string flimsy to prove it!

What would I do different if making this quilt again? I would cut the string sections 5-1/2" wide instead of 4-1/2". The white sashing would be cut 2-1/2" instead of 3-1/2".

No telephone books were harmed in the making of this quilt. But, if someday, I do make another string quilt, I will try the paper method. And it probably won't look like this quilt.

Linking to Let's Bee Social, Finished Or Not Friday, Confessions of a Fabric Addict Show Off Saturday, Oh Scrap


  1. What a great finish from an unloved project! It's very striking.

  2. LOVE your string (made fabric) quilt!!! Thank you for the inspiration. I too have been reading the posts you mentioned above and just can't resist. I have two string quilts started. One is just a whole bunch of pink 2.5" strips. Hmmmm... shall I be a copy cat and follow along with your beautiful quilt and make a girly baby quilt? That was my original intent. We shall see what the strips where were they?

    I have a string Sonja's Windows quilt started. I remember sewing and sewing the strings one new year's day (but I don't recall what year...) I'll do little blog post and research on it as well. Thanks for the inspiration (or distraction--I'm not sure.) Either way, quilts will be finished.

    I also got Bonnie Hunter's new book for myself for Christmas this year. The pattern Sand Castles is calling my name as well as would use up tons of the 4-patches I have been sewing as leader/enders for a long time. Happy sewing, Gretchen. Your blog always inspires me.

  3. Great one for no maths! Beautiful scrappy quilt.

  4. This is fabulous. I have a couple of jelly roll race tops that I'm not happy with. They're so fun to sew, but I can't get excited about them after that. I think I might slice those up and do something similar to what you've done here. Did I mention that it is fabulous? :)

  5. Wow! That is an impressive quilt! I love it!

  6. I think you made beautiful choices in your design . . . it is perfection :)

  7. What an amazing quilt, congratulations!

  8. I love the quilt you made from your made fabric ufo :) Very inventive and creative and cool!

  9. What a lovely quilt!!

  10. I LOVE your string pieced quilt Gretchen. I might have to give that idea a go! :-)

  11. Very pretty Gretchen! So creative and what a way to use up the scraps!

  12. That is absolutely gorgeous! i LOVE it!
    Such a great scrappy quilt!

  13. I love strings quilts! And yours turned out amazing. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  14. What a great string quilt. So glad that you finally found a use for all your made fabric after all these years. Quilting is the perfect hobby for blending old and new.

  15. Strings seem to be the thing to work on this year! Good for you for being ahead of the game. Wonderful idea for a string quilt. Scrappiness superb!
