Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Two weeks ago, after I finished sewing the backings and bindings for the tractor crib quilts, I cleaned, dusted and covered my sewing machine. I didn't touch it for a full week while I fall cleaned my house. Well, my home is clean enough and we've finally had the first freeze of the year.  Autumn is definitely here and I'm ready to sew again.

Last winter I embroidered many little squares to be used for pincushions and needle books. This week I concentrated on the pincushions.

These embroidery designs are from Gail Pan's book Embroidery Loves Patchwork. They measure 4" by 6" and are filled with ground walnut hulls.
I've made 14 pincushions but only had enough hulls on hand to fill these 5. I'll pick up more filler and show you the rest of them in my next post.

Linking to Esther's Wednesday WOW!, Let's Bee Social,  Needle & Thread Thursday


  1. Ohhh so adorable Gretchen, Ive never heard of using ground up walnut husks before, are they ground very fine???? I can all most here the pin crunch as it hits a shell LOL Love the wee blue embroidery covers so fresh and will make lovely wee gifts for some one special. Cheers Glenda

  2. We fall cleaned too! Isn't it refreshing before the winter comes... we too are due for a freeze in a couple days we realized... so glad we did that cleaning. I love your pin cushions you are fixing that your embroidered :) Have a blessed week Gretchen!! Kathi

  3. Such a lovely finish. You could also mix toy filling in with the hulls to make a more padded pin cushion and the hills will go further.

  4. Your pin cushions are gorgeous. Well done on so many cute finishes :-) Good on you with the cleaning. I'm hoping to et some spring cleaning done here before the summer starts!

  5. I usually do not do small projects, but this is intriguing. Think I have that book! They are so pretty!
    Great job! And enjoy winter.

  6. Oh, these are beautiful! Each one is a little treasure.
    I've used walnut shells for pincushion filling, too, and love it. Gives such a good weight to the pincushion, too.

  7. They are so cute! Its hard to pick my favorite as each design is so much fun! Luckily your cleaning is finished and you got to get back to sewing!

  8. Your pincushions are really adorable. Are they gifts? Blue and white are the best colors aren't they.

  9. Gretchen I was wondering how you mark your diamond grid? Do you use a stencil or just use a ruler at 60 degrees
