Friday, October 19, 2018

Pincushions Finished!

I purchased more walnut hulls (also known as pet bird litter) and filled the rest of the pincushions. Some fabric/quilt stores have small amounts of walnut hulls for sale in their stores. I just went to a pet store and purchased a 7 pound bag for $12.50. Not all the hulls were used so I'll keep the bag to be used the next time I need it.

Someone did suggest I add batting to the hulls when filling the pincushions. I was afraid they would be lumpy. Buying the hulls in bulk makes them not so expensive.

The Christmas embroideries come from Gail Pan's Christmas Patchwork Loves Embroidery book. Now these designs weren't designated for pincushions but I utilized them for that purpose.
The regular embroidery patterns are from Gail's book Patchwork Loves Embroidery.

There were a total of 14 pincushions made. It was so much fun to make something that sewed together so fast! A nice change from working on quilts that take much longer.

Linking to Finished Or Not Friday, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, TGIFF!, Show Off Saturday


  1. They all look lovely. Well done

  2. They are so pretty! Very nice!

  3. A great use of lovely stitchery! I have used light batting just behind my stitchery before filling with walnut hulls. It seems to work great for me!

  4. They are all so pretty! Gail Pan has so many cute embroidery, and this was a lovely use of the small stitchings. :-)

  5. These a pretty little pincushions I am sure they will be very popular.

  6. I am enamoured with all your pin cushions... thanks for inspiring me Gretchen with your needle work! Excellent job :) Kathi

  7. Pretty pincushions! You have a beautiful collection now!

  8. What a wonderful collection of sweet pincushions, including the blue ones!

  9. I love them all. And to have a great collection of pin cushions. Nice to put on a table for Christmas! The blue ones are pretty too! Well done!

  10. You can't beat a bit of embroidery and some patchwork, they are a great combination! Thanks for linking up to TGIFF

  11. Every one of your pin cushions is sweet as can be. I want to be on your Christmas gift list.
