Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Green Tractor Crib Quilts

Yes, I'm still working on unfinished quilt projects.

In November 2016, I made a John Deere crib quilt for our youngest grandson. I wrote about the start of that quilt here and the finished quilt here. If you want to see the pattern, go to the first link.

Last winter I cut fabrics for two more green tractor crib quilts. For our grandson's quilt, I had added the JD 42/40 because that is the size of one of our tractors but that isn't included on the actual pattern. I certainly don't want to end up in a lawsuit with the John Deere Corporation over copyright issues since these two quilts may end up in auctions.

For a really great photo shoot, I decided to clothespin the quilts to leaves on the corn stalks since tractors are definitely farmerish.

I think they need borders before they are really finished. Right now they measure 35-1/2" by 39-1/2" which is kind of small.  I'll use fall colored fabric to finish them since the soil and mud are brown fabrics.

The farmer also critiqued the quilts, he says the pattern has the smokestack pointing the wrong direction. I'll change that if I make anymore quilts from the pattern.

I took a picture of our JD 42/40. I'm sure you can see the resemblance even though the real tractor is sitting in the opposite direction. And yes, the smokestack has the thingy on the side towards the cab.

Also, just for your information, the old time JD tractors have yellow seats. The modern JD tractors are not. I used yellow for the tractor seats because that is what our tractors have. Just thought I'd share that in case someone out there is a purist.

This is not a hard quilt to make but it is extremely important to label each piece you cut. I numbered the rows on the pattern and added the row number to the label of each cut piece. 

Just for fun I took a picture of the tractor with gravity wagons. They're waiting for the combine to come and run beans (soybeans for you non farmers).

Linking to Let's Bee Social,  Needle & Thread Thursday


  1. These are so cute and perfect for a future farmer. :D

  2. I love seeing snippets about your farm. The tractor quilts are super cute - adorable pinned up with the corn!

  3. Great quilts!
    ..... but you do know what that means now?
    The need to make some gravity wagon quilts too!!1 :)
    There is a great tractor tire track pattern that would make for a perfect border.
    Right now, I can't think of where I found it ... but will put my thinking cap on for you.

    1. I already have the borders cut but I'd save the tread pattern for the next tractor quilt whenever that will be.

  4. Yes, getting to be that time of year. Laughed at the JD pictures.

  5. Hi Gretchen! What fabulous quilts. I would have to make them red though - I'm from a long line of Case (now Case New Holland) workers and tractors. I think I'll have to add this to my make-for-Dominic list! ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. Are Case's red now? I thought they were cream with orange trim? So many companies have merged, I just can't keep up. There are a lot of cute patterns at Counted Quilts, it's hard to decide which ones to make. Dominic will love a tractor quilt no matter what color it is.

  6. Cute Cute Cute! When making something like that one must be organized! I need to make another doggie quilt for a gift... Maybe when I am ready for an easy project..... Those UFO’s are getting fewer and fewer for you! Hugs
