Sunday, September 30, 2018

More Lucy Blocks

The title of this post is More Lucy Blocks and I did complete two of them this week. I took pictures of them both and some other items too, but when I downloaded them from the camera, only one picture was there! I guess the other pictures are somewhere but I sure can't find them.

So here is a picture of the surviving block, next week I'll show you the other block.

You're probably wondering why I didn't just take another picture of the other block. It's because it's the middle of the night and I couldn't sleep so I'm writing the post now instead of waiting until tomorrow morning. Photos taken at night just don't do well.

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday StitchingShow & Tell Monday With Bambi, Monday Making, Design Wall Monday, BOM's Away, Moving It Forward, Esther's Wednesday WOW!


  1. lovely block...I hope you sleep better tonight.

  2. I love your Lucy Boston block... I will be starting the organization and prep of my own EPP project and would love to see a photo of how you organize for EPP and how you prep your elongated hexies too <3
    Hope you got some sleep have have a stellar Sunday! Kathi

  3. This is really beautiful. I appreciate your creativity and I love the fact that I’ve never seen something like that before.

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  4. LOL! I lose photos like that all the time. Like socks, I'm telling you. . . :) This one is gorgeous with that gold.

  5. nice Lucy Boston - I did one a couple years and hand pieced it although I know a lot EPP this quilt. I really enjoyed making it and will love seeing how yours turns out

  6. I just love these blocks but am not going to start any because I know I would probably never follow through and make enough for a whole quilt. Hope you do! And hope you just lose photos and not blocks!

  7. Nice block Gretchen. I doubt if I ever make a quilt like Lucy Boston! Slow going and lots of hand work. Like your colors and the fabric you selected!

  8. Thank you for your inspiration on the Show and Tell Monday !! Bambi hug
