Sunday, September 2, 2018

Embroidered Poppies

Another block on the Darlene Zimmerman panel is embroidered. These poppies look so pretty, bright and springy. 

It took me longer to embroider this block because I spent a lot of my evening hand sewing time at the sewing machine piecing scrappy quilts.

Here's a picture of the four completed blocks, there are four more blocks to be embroidered. 

Prepping is still continuing on the EPP project. Hopefully I'll have something to show you next Sunday.

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, Show & Tell Monday With BambiLove Laugh Quilt, Small QuiltsEm's ScrapbagEsther's Wednesday WOW!


  1. Your embroidery is beautiful. That is going to be an amazing quilt!

  2. All four blocks are beautiful. The tulips are my favorite, but the poppies are a close second.

  3. So old fashioned looking and so pretty.

  4. I love your blocks! Esp the poppies :) Kathi

  5. The poppies are so beautiful and these blocks are exquisite!

  6. I love your poppies! They are so bright and cheerful. All four blocks look great.

  7. Your poppies block is lovely as are the other 3 blocks.

  8. Your poppies block is so beautiful! :-)

  9. Your embroidered blocks are just beautiful -- you're a talented stitcher! :)

  10. On peu bien appréçier les quatre blocs ensemble !
    Un résultat qui laisse deviner que cet ouvrage sera un petit bijoux!
    Bonne broderie,et bonne couture!

  11. Wonderful embroderies! It looks so beautiful :)

  12. Simply gorgeous the embroidered blocks look so pretty together.

  13. Looks great! Can't remember if you told us your EPP project. Looking forward to seeing it progress along.

  14. Hi Gretchen! Poppies always make me smile. I used to pass a house on the way to work. Each spring they had a huge patch of poppies that would bloom - they are such a happy orange. The patch grew larger each year, and I always looked forward to seeing it for a few weeks. ~smile~ Roseanne

  15. Thank you very much for your inspiration on the Show and Tell Monday !! Bambi

  16. Ohhh Gretchen those embroidered blocks are beautiful, they remind me of sitting in the winter by the fire in NZ with my mum as a tiny girl and watching her do blocks just like these, the start of my love of coloured threads? ????? Cheers Glenda

  17. Gretchen, as a lover of embroidery, I adore these blocks. Coincidentally, I just changed my header to my embroidered poppies from a Crabapple Hill pattern. I will look for Darlene Zimmerman; thanks!
