Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Repurposed 4 Patches

Another scrappy quilt is finished. Quilts sew up fast when most of the blocks are pieced. I had planned to make a quilt called Kitty CornerThe pattern came from the January/February 2000 issue of Fons & Porters Love of Quilting magazine, page 34. I decided not to make Kitty Corner, you have to press seams just right to make them line up correctly. I just didn't want to think that hard.

I came up with my own idea instead and named it Repurposed 4 Patches since most of the 4 patches were already pieced.

A lot of the fabrics used were from my mother's stash including the cream sashing and the brown outside border.

The flimsy measures 91" x 102". I don't make quilts long enough for a pillow tuck anymore. I don't tuck the quilt under the pillows and my daughter and DIL's don't either. Just an unnecessary step while making the bed.

This quilt is also going to be gifted to my friend. She has three children still at home and now she has three flimsies to quilt for them.

It's so nice to be able to gift these quilt tops away, I don't have to quilt them!

Here is information about the the pattern. The 4 patches were made from 2-1/2" squares. The black sashing was cut 1-1/2". After the black sashing was added, the larger blocks were squared to 11". The cream sashing was cut at 2-1/2" and the outside border was cut at 7-1/2". Feel free to use this pattern if you wish. I'm not plagiarizing anyone that I know of.

I'm down to two projects on my list. I've pulled the bag with the strips sewn for Scrappy Bargello, a Bonnie Hunter pattern. Of course the strips are older fabrics I'm trying to get used and out of the stash.

Linking to Needle & Thread Thursday, Finished Or Not Friday, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, TGIFF!Show Off Saturday, Oh Scrap, Love Laugh Quilt


  1. Superbe Gretchen,une reussite!
    J'aime cette association de tissus,mes honneurs a vous.

  2. A wonderful quilt, and what a great gift. :-)

  3. Hi Gretchen! What a nice finish. You are really on a roll. I never would have imagined that white sashing had a small print to it until your last picture! Also, the four-patches - very clever matching the center squares. I'll bet your friend is just thrilled to receive the flimsy! Maybe she'll let you share a picture after she's quilted it. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Great quilt idea, and wonderful to use the fabric from your mother's stash.

  5. What a pretty quilt! I love the photo shot in the tree too :-)

  6. What a lovely scrap quilt... fun pattern!

  7. The black running through each block makes an interesting design. Love the scrappiness and that some of the pieces came from your mother's stash.

  8. That is so pretty! I love the combination of colors. And using up fabric from your mom's stash makes it special, too!

  9. What a fun 4-patch quilt. I don't think I have seen this design before.

    Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

    1. I just came up with the design. I needed to do something with the 4 patches and just took it one step at a time. I guess this was an improv quilt!

  10. Replies
    1. Actually you can't tell I used any fabrics, didn't even make a dent in the stash!

  11. Repurposed 4-patches is really beautiful! Thanks for linking to Finished or Not Friday!

  12. What a great pattern for 4 patches. Thank you for the cutting directions!

  13. Congratulations on your finish. It looks great. Thanks for linking up your finish with Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday.
