Friday, August 10, 2018

Scrappy 9 Patch Quilt

It was time to work on another UFQ (unfinished quilt). I pulled out the basket containing the 4-1/2" finished 9-patches and got to work. Since the 9 patch blocks were already pieced, I sewed the flimsy in one week, actually in 5 days!

I'm tired of calling it the 4-1/2" finished 9-Patch project so I've renamed it, Scrappy 9 Patches. How's that for originality? 

I carefully arranged the blocks on the design floor and removed the first 3 diagonal rows to sew together. It was a breezy day with refreshing air coming in from both the south and east windows. The careful arrangement soon looked like this!

I picked up the scattered blocks and sorted them into their respective piles.

Two or three rows were arranged at a time from then on.

(The tray measures 17" x 25" and was purchased at E & S Sales in  Shipshewana, Ind. I have 4 or 5 of these giant cookie sheets. They are large enough to hold all the pieces of a quilt. They're easy to stack, easy to carry and they're not flimsy. I see some quilters using small aluminum pans, those won't work for me, too small, too flimsy!)

This is a true scrappy quilt. The background fabrics are all left over from other projects. I used light colored background fabrics because I want the 9 patches to show, that's my personal preference. 
When I see a quilt with a busy background fabric, I have trouble seeing the actual design of the blocks. If that if what you like, go for it, I'm not the quilt police. 

Some people don't like to sew diagonal rows. I just always make the side triangles a little bit larger then trim the excess when the center is pieced.

You need to cut a square diagonally both ways so the long side is the straight of grain. This way you aren't dealing with bias on the outside edge of the quilt.
I had fun sewing this quilt and really like how she turned out. Quick and easy is always great! I'm sure you've noticed that there is not an outside border. This quilt flimsy will also be gifted to my friend who will quilt it for one of her children, just like the Sister's Choice flimsy. She'll add border fabric of her choice.

The individual blocks measure 4-1/2" finished and the flimsy measures 72" x 89". I wish now I had added another row to the quilt so the width would be wider. My friend will need to add 8" borders to make this quilt into queen sized. That may seem too wide to a lot of people but she has some lovely stencils for hand quilting 8" borders. Yes, she's a hand quilter.

Another project (#10) crossed off the original list of 10, just two more project to go! (Updated-I made a mistake, there are 3 project to go!)

Linking to Esther's Wednesday WOW!Let's Bee Social,  Needle & Thread Thursday, Finished Or Not Friday, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, TGIFF!, Show Off Saturday, Oh Scrap


  1. LOL - I think I have had a "scrappy nine patch" too - sometimes it is too hard to come up with a name!!

  2. Hey Gretchen! I love this finish and all the details that lead up to this flimsy finish... I hope you show it down the road when your friend you are gifting it to has another border and hand quilting added to it when it is ready to gift to her child... what a BLESSING you are to do this for her :)
    And now only 2 ufq's left in your stash??!!! I am def jealous of that and jealous doesn't bite me much! lol
    Happy stitching .. Kathi

  3. Oh Gretchen another lovely flimsy, I do like it. It looks so fresh, how lovely it will look on a bed. Thanks for the tip on those edge 4 1/2 inch blocks I hadn't thought about that bias????? I may have to recut mine for there? I all most cried for you seeing all those wee blocks scattered every where after hrs I bet placing them. Great idea using the big baking dishes. I sure learnt a few tips to day from you thanks so much. Cheers Glenda

  4. Love the S9P name :-D I am sure it will make a lovely quilt. Who gets it will be the difficult decision.

  5. Hi Gretchen! Oh, this scrappy nine-patch turned out fabulous. Isn't it great to have used up fabrics from your stash and leftover from other projects? This will look so pretty when you have it all finished, nice and quilty soft. Great suggestion about the triangles on the edges! Happy Wednesday to you! ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Love it! I agree with you on the white / light back ground - the 4 patches do not fight to be noticed! I will remember that one when I decide to do an easy one again! You are doing so great on your UFO's you will be ready for the B quilt in December! Very Very nice Gretchen and so great that you gifted 3 tops!
    Send me your energy! Hugs

  7. This is a beautiful scrappy quilt! All those tiny blocks! I really like that the background is scrappy too! Its a great way to use whites that don't match even though they are the same manufacturer! Great job!

  8. I really like this and it's so generous to make up tops for a friend! I would be curious to see it too, when the quilting is finished.

    Great idea to use the large cookie sheets as a piecing tray! I am starting to make some larger quilts and definitely see the value and need for something on which I can easily organize my pieces. I have a couple of those big sheets in my cupboard, but alas they are used for baking. I guess I just need to grab a few more! :)

    1. The sheets I use have been purchased just for sewing. They stack nicely too.

  9. Can't go wrong with a 9 patch! This is a beauty:) I use plastic deli trays for such.

  10. Oh my I love this!! and I love all the scrappy goodness in it!

  11. Love these! Thanks for the inspiration!

  12. So much scrappy goodness in this quilt. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  13. I like that the nine-patches have sashings and corner stones. It really sets off the assembly. I had to laugh about your design floor and the breeze. I have that issue with my design wall when I go to bed at night and leave the window open. When I remember, if I have struggled for a while to get an arrangement I like, I take a cell phone picture so I can recreate it if necessary.
