Sunday, May 27, 2018

Week 9, Quilting Nearly Insane

A full row of Nearly Insane did not get quilted. As I said in my last post, I've been spending more time outside

Here is the hand quilting that happened last week starting at the right side and working my way to the left. These blocks finish at 6".

Right side triangle, stitched fast.
Easy peasy stitch in the ditch quilting
Instead of stitching in the ditch on this block, I quilted a fan design.
This block had the  most stitching of the week. I like how it looks.
I like the simplicity of this block and it quilted easily too.

I'll never receive a prize for my quilting stitches on this quilt. There are so many different fabrics, it's hard to be consistent with the stitching. Oh well, finished is better than perfect.

Star Dance has moved into first priority this week. I'm so close to having her completed and I think the finish will come this week.

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday StitchingOh Scrap, Show & Tell Monday With Bambi, Em's ScrapbagLove Laugh Quilt, BOM's Away, Esther's Wednesday WOW!


  1. Beautiful quilting and applique as always :)

  2. I love the progress you did make on your quilting... glad you got some MUCH NEEDED sunshine time too!!! Being outdoors is invigorating I think! I just love your progress on Star Dance too :D Have a fun coming week! Kathi

  3. Our gardens need some attention too! There are not enough hours in the day to get everything done... I absolutely love the border you are appliquéing on your star quilt--it really sets off those stars! I am in awe of your lovely quilting too. Well done!

  4. I felt guilty yesterday because I planted flowers instead of crafting, but it is raining today so I will get to my crafting. I love seeing your progress on this quilt.

  5. School's out for summer here (starting Saturday). It's finally warm in Ohio. Get out and enjoy it. :) LOVE the star dance quilt. Those little stitches on your insane quilt will wait. I'm going to try to stitch while being a lifeguard at our tiny pool. Hope I can keep my pre-printed cross stitch away from the fun splashes.

  6. My hand stitching time goes down with the weather improves too. Enjoyed seeing your quilting update!
    Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  7. Get outside and enjoy it! Soon it will be too hot. Thanks for sharing your pretty quilting with Oh Scrap!

  8. You are still making great progress on NI and especially on Dancing Stars! So pretty! The hand quilting is so pretty!

  9. Beautiful quilting, I like your fan design used above. Star Dance is just gorgeous. I'm going back to look at your link and read more about Star Dance.

  10. But you have already won the prize for your quilting: an absolutely stunning quilt! The fan stitching is lovely—and I bet it was a challenge crossing all those seams.

  11. Hi Gretchen,
    I just love the fan design in that one block. It is so easy to stitch in the ditch but the fans really look fabulous - I'm glad you made that choice. It's giving me an idea for my next quilting project. Happy Memorial Day! ~smile~ Roseanne

  12. Thank you very much for your inspiration on the Show and Tell Monday !! Bambi
