Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Star Dance Flimsy Finish!

The applique borders are finished! Star Dance is now a completed flimsy!! Another project to cross off my list

The center stars were pieced in 2017 as part of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

Before I started the border applique, I had toyed with the idea of making the border stars coordinate with the color of the pieced star closest to it, rainbow borders. That would have been interesting but I decided to mix the colors. 

I did add more circles to the border than the pattern called for but I don't think I overdid them. When I auditioned circles for the center of the bottom border there, I didn't think they looked right so I didn't add any. 

The stars finish at 4" and the flimsy measures 60" by 70". I made several changes from the original pattern. When I started this project, I had thought this would be a nice crib quilt but it is too large for that now. 

I took several more pictures of the flimsy. I couldn't decide which one was the best so I'm including them all.

Now the flimsy has moved into the next phase, waiting to be quilted because I'm going to hand quilt this one of course.

Linking to Esther's Wednesday WOW!, Let's Bee Social, Whatever Wednesday, Sew, Stitch, Snap SHOWNeedle & Thread ThursdayFinished Or Not Friday, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, TGIFF! Finish It Up FridayScrap Happy Saturday, Show Off Saturday


  1. Wow, this is gorgeous, so glad you included all the photos too. I love that floral border.

  2. Absolutely gorgeous! Yes, hand quilting is the only way to go with this beautiful top.

  3. So lovely, you have done a marvelous job indeed!

  4. Gorgeous!! Hand quilting will be a wonderful way to quilt this one.

  5. Hi Gretchen,
    WOWEE - what a great finish. I have been watching as each section of the border went on, knowing it would be beyond special when it was complete. You have to be SO happy with this. How are you going to quilt it? I can't wait to see! Happy Wednesday! ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Star Dance is just beautiful! I really like the flowers and curvy stems of the applique surrounding the piecd stars!

  7. Star Dance is a BEAUTIFUL flimsy... I love the circles too and think you added just the right amount of those... I love that you did the stars at a different time and found their home on this applique! You and your creativity amaze me :) Thanks for sharing all your photos too.. I love them all too! Kathi

  8. A beautiful quilt! Love your rainbow of little stars and the border is very special. Thanks for sharing with 'sew stitch snap SHARE'

  9. Very pretty. A quilt to treasure.

  10. What a beauty! Your border brought the entire quilt together in a very amazing way! Congrats on the finish!

  11. It's BEAUTIFUL, Gretchen! I can't wait to see how you decide to quilt it! The stars are adorable, but the applique border really pushes the whole thing over the top. Congratulations on your fabulous finished flimsy!!

    1. I have no idea what designs I'll be quilting on this quilt but I have plenty of time to decide. After the quilt I am hand quilting now is finished, I already have another large applique quilt to go in the frame. It will be winter until Star Dance makes it into the frame.

  12. So beautiful! Those rainbow stars are gorgeous and the applique border is amazing. What a great finish. Thanks for linking to TGIFF :)

  13. Congratulations on a beautiful flimsy!!

  14. I love this one so much. It's just so darn pretty !!! The soft striped little borders are perfect.

  15. It is absolutely gorgeous!
