Friday, September 29, 2017

Miss Rosie's Cake & Cupcake Recipes

Several months ago, at a guild meeting, Elaine gave a demonstration using Miss Rosie's Cake & Cupcake Recipes. After she finished, she handed each of us a recipe packet with fabrics enclosed for us to sample. She told us we could bring back the finished blocks and she would sew them into charity quilts.

Since she had extra packets, I took 2 cupcake recipes and 3 of the cake recipes. I didn't realize at the time that each cake recipe makes 2 blocks.

Here are my blocks. 

First the cupcakes. These blocks were made using 5" charm blocks. You can choose between 3 different patterns using the recipe. For these fabrics, I chose to make pattern 1.

This is my favorite of the 2 cupcakes I made. The cupcake blocks finish at 6".

I chose this pattern for the 2nd block. 

I purposely try to avoid direction fabric when making HST's. It bugs me when lines to don't run the same direction. Oh well.

Now for the cakes. These blocks were made using 10" square fabrics (or layers cakes). I could choose between 6 different patterns for these blocks.

I've always wanted to try a T block, so now I've made 2 T's , a light T and a dark T. The block with the darker T looks smaller but they're the same size.

This floral was so pretty with the purple fabric. I made them both the same. This block reminds me of baskets of flowers.

The last 2 blocks remind me of bear claws, a dark one and the reverse. Again the lines don't run the same direction and the block with the darker print in the center looks smaller but it's not!

The Cake blocks measure 6-3/4" finished.

What's my opinion of these recipes? They were OK, it was nice to try them but I'll never buy the recipes (patterns). 

The recipes are similar to HST papers but they include the squares for you to cut. 

Today, September 29th, Missouri Star & Quilt Co. has Cake Mix Recipe #2 as their Daily Special.

Linking to - Finished Or Not Friday, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, TGIFF!, Finish It Up Friday


  1. Hi Gretchen,
    Well, that was nice of your guild member to hand out recipes and fabrics. And it is even nicer of you to stitch them up. I hope you are able to share some of the finished quilts eventually. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Great chance to try out a new block to see if one wants to continue on or go on a diet! LOL Great way for a guild to do a charity project!

  3. Great charity project for your guild!
