Friday, September 8, 2017

Circle of Squares Quilted

The big baler wasn't available to bale earlier this week and now we are having several days of rain and drizzle. Definitely not haymaking weather so plenty of time for sewing.

I had been undecided about how to quilt the Circle of Squares quilt that I pieced in June for the RSC. I tentatively thought I would do spiral quilting but that just didn't seem right. After I read the post by Roseanne about quilting of Irish Chain (9-Patch), I knew how I was going to quilt her.

I did a little preliminary work before starting the quilting. 

First I marked a X on the quilt then a +. The + was so I would know where the pivot point was supposed to be. 

I think it helped. I quilted the quilt in 4 sections, trying to do a section a day. She turned out very nicely. She measures 44" x 45" and will make a lovely baby quilt.

I didn't have enough of either of the larger pieces of yellow or flowered yellow fabric to use entirely for the backing but I had a lot of the checkerboard blocks leftover from the front of the quilt. It worked!

Linking to - Free Motion Mavericks, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished Or Not Friday, TGIFF,  Finish It Up Friday, Let's Make Baby Quilts, Scrap Happy SaturdayBOM'S Away, Quilting is More Fun Than Housework, Show & Tell Monday, LoveLaughQuilt, Em's Scrapbag, Fiber TuesdaySew, Stitch, Snap SHOW, Sew Some Love


  1. Hi Gretchen! WOWEE - I think you are my very first link in someone else's blog! How absolutely exciting. I just love how your quilt and quilting turned out. Isn't it nice to have it complete, too? I really like the pattern itself - I don't recall seeing a circle of squares before. Thanks for sharing the link to the block - I will check it out. ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. Thank you for the wonderful idea of how to quilt this quilt, love it!

  2. love it!! that was a great way to quilt that quilt.

  3. What a cute baby quilt! Love all the yellow, and the quilting is stunning!!!

  4. That is so sweet! Reminds me of corn kernels!!

  5. Turned out beautiful. Congratulations! Too bad about the baler!

  6. Sounds like the lack of a bailer turned into a good thing. The quilting is perfect! It adds such great texture to your quilt,

  7. I love your quilt! I've been intrigued with that circle of squares block since the first time I saw it, and this is the first finished quilt I've seen using it. The quilting is the perfect way to set it off. And I adore that checkerboard back!

  8. LOVE it!!! Quilt and quilting are perfect together. Looking forward to seeing what you will do with your ORANGE scraps for this month's Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!

  9. That quilting is absolutely perfect for this quilt! I love the way you used the leftover blocks to piece the back too :)

  10. I really like how that turned out! Circle of Squares is such an interesting block, and your quilting is just right for it!

  11. Wow, love the quilting! And congratulations on the finish!

  12. Great quilting idea! I really enjoy seeing good walking foot quilting work like this. Congrats on the finish; it's so bright and cheerful :)

  13. Great quilting choice! It really looks great on your quilt. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  14. Gretchen it looks awesome! Congratulations on a beautiful finish.

  15. So cheerful! I love the checkerboard on the back.

  16. It's beautiful, Gretchen, and the quilting is a perfect complement to your top. How far apart did you space your quilting lines, and did you quilt this on a domestic sewing machine or on a longarm? It looks fantastic.

    1. I quilted with my Elna 720. I used my walking foot and lined the edge of the foot up to the quilted line next to it. I made sure to alternate the direction I quilted each V, that keeps it from getting floppy. They're spaced approximately 1/2" apart.

  17. This is such a great quilt, Gretchen! I love the diagonal quilting - nice work on the pivot "lines". Those checkerboard pieces on the back make it so lively. I really love patchwork backs, and hope it's alright to pin your idea in my backings board.

  18. The diagonal quilting is perfect for that quilt. How smart to mark the pivot points like you did. And the back is beautiful, too.

  19. Lovely quilt...I just love the way you have quilted it. Thanks for the explanation of the process. I might be able to handle that!

  20. I love how you have quilted this, it's perfect, and adds so much texture! Thanks for sharing with 'sew stitch snap SHARE'

  21. I love your quilt and quilting....wonderful. Did you mark it first? So straight.

    1. The only marking I made were what I've showed you in the picture. I just lined the edge of the walking foot next to the original V's and them sewed. You need to alternate the direction you sew the V each time so the quilt won't end up floppy.

  22. I really like the colors and this block. You are really getting those UFO's out of the way this summer! Late in commenting, but as always looks great. I do like the way you quilted it!

  23. The quilting is perfect, and I love the patches on the backing!
