Sunday, January 1, 2017

Tulip Square

I've finished the Tulip Square block from the Pastor's Attic quilt. I don't think the flowers look like tulips but she's completed. Just 3 more blocks to applique! I'm prepping the next block today.

It's the season for Sew-Along & Mystery Quilts. Just in case you have nothing to work on right now, here are a list of the projects I'm aware of. The first project is from several months ago but still relevant.

Kaaren from the Painted Quilt has shared the pattern for Stopped Me in My Tracks! I really like the quietness of this quilt. This sew-along was in the spring of 2016 but it is still a beautiful quilt.

Pat Sloan is hosting The One Hundred Eighty-Two Day Solstice Challenge which started December 21st. Pat is also having a Mystery BOM, 2017 Children's Library. The fabric information was released yesterday for the library quilt.

So Scrappy hosts a Rainbow Scrap Challenge every year. You make the block(s) you want to make but she says which color to use. Some beautiful quilts have been created using this idea.

Carole from My Carolina Home has a mystery quilt starting the end of January.

Just in case you've been in a coma for the last 6 weeks, Bonnie Hunter has her annual mystery quilt in progress, En Provence. The pattern is a free online pattern but only until June.

Cindy from Quilt Doodles is organizing a traditional mystery quilt. She says the quilt will be like one you can find at grandparents home.

The Surrounded by Scraps Mystery Quilt is hosted by Charlotte Hawks and starts on January 11th, 2017.

Barbara Brackman's Yankee Diary sew-along starts the 25th of January.

Quiltmaker Magazine is continuing their 100 Blocks Sampler sew-along. The blocks are from different issues of Quiltmakers 100 Blocks issues.  This sew along started in 2016 and will continue into 2017. The blocks have been resized to 6". 

Of course if you are really into sew-along, there's the 365 Day Challenge Quilt. There was a challenge for 2016 and they are doing it again in 2017. You will be creating the same quilt that was made in 2016. I was insane enough to sign up but now I realize there is no way I want to participate. I don't like sewing with a deadline; why stress myself out trying to keep up?

Update - Myra from Busy Hands Quilts has a big list of sew-alongs to peruse. Maybe your project is there waiting for you!

I don't usually jump into a sew-along. I like to complete quilts, not just start them, but I have joined Pat's Solstice Challenge. I have also selected a block pattern to make during the year and will be joining in Rainbow Scrap Happy this year. The color selected for January is purples! Are you sewing along with any challenges this new year?

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday StitchingQuilting is More Fun than Housework, Em's ScrapbagLove Laugh Quilt, Esther's Wednesday WOW!, Sew Fresh QuiltsCrazy Mom Quilts.


  1. Happy New Year, Gretchen, this block is just as lovely as the previous ones :)

  2. happy New Year - the block looks great, I agree don't think the flower really looks that much like a tulip but that because of the design not your applique

  3. That's a beautiful block. Hope you have a happy, healthy, and productive 2017, Gretchen. Can't wait to see what you create this year.

  4. That's a great list. Thanks
    Happy New Year..

  5. Great list but the only two I am doing this year is the RSC Challenge and 17 for 2017 where you pick 17 project you already have and move them along. No pressure for me this year and hopefully I'll clear out a few UFO's.
    Enjoy your day.

    1. But the 17 for 2017 is 17 projects! I hope you can get some of them finished. Thanks for commenting.

  6. Happy new year Gretchen! I over committed last year so I am going to try and not start too many quilt alongs this year. Thanks for sharing your blocks with Oh Scrap!

  7. I'm going to combine Pat's Solstice Challenge and Angela's RSC Challenge, then work on WIPs. That should keep me busy along with my hexagons. Happy New Year, Gretchen.

    1. That's a great idea! I look forward to seeing your Solstice blocks in rainbow colors.

  8. What a lot of options!! What's a girl to do? I considered the RSC and make blocks for my Bright Jane, but I bought new fabrics for that years ago. I have started collecting the 150 Canadian Women patterns and plan to start on that this week. And I joined the 17 for 2017 to work on some UFO's. (Picture me beginning to tear my hair out) But I have a mission to complete and quilt several quilts in the next few months so we shall see what I end up doing.

    1. I don't make New Year's resolutions but something I've resolved this year is to sew when I feel like it but not guilt myself when I feel like sitting in a chair and reading a book or knitting. Some people can churn out quilt after quilt after quilt but not me. I used to feel like I need to keep up with others but I no longer feel that way. We all work at different speeds and that's good. Remember, Chris, keep it fun and keep the stress away. What's the worst thing that can happen if you don't finish a certain quilt this year? Your husband, children and grands won't care. Blessings!

  9. Maybe one of the challenges could be to concentrate on works-in-progress or original stuff -- and avoid challenges! (Not that I'm going to do that: I'm going to participate in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge and One Monthly Goal.) I like your tulip applique!

  10. I have seen other designs called Tulips that are similar in shape to what these flowers look like. Well done.

  11. Tulips or whatever they are, they're still beautiful. I wonder if there were some other variety of tulips a few hundred years ago that looked more like these, or if perhaps crocuses were once referred to as tulips? They look much more like crocuses to me, but maybe there are wild tulips that have more of that shape, too. Beautiful workmanship, whatever you call the flowers!

  12. thank you for the great round up - I didn't know where to find them.

  13. I agree it is a beautiful block. You did a great job on it!

  14. Your tulip block looks good. Thank you for the list of sew a longs, I love the one by The Painted Quilt, just two colours and a simple design - beautiful after all the complexity of Dear Jane (mine WILL be finished this year!) Happy 2017 x

  15. Wonderful job on the tulip block!

  16. I'm always doing something with the RSC since it started... many projects on the go.
    I'm doing Bonnie Hunter's current mystery, but I think I need to work on finishing rather than starting :)
