Wednesday, January 4, 2017

One Monthly Goal, Quilting Plans for 2017

In my November 15, 2016 blog post, I wrote about the 12 quilting projects I had planned for this winter. This is an updated list. Five of the original projects have been completed, most of those were very small projects, but they still needed to be made.

So this is the list for 2017.

1. I got stalled in December piecing the borders. This is the official One Month Goal, to get the borders pieced and sewn onto the center! This quilt was started November, 2016

2. Pastor's Attic Quilt - I've completed 22 blocks, just 3 more center blocks to applique. This is my top priority applique quilt. 

I couldn't fit all of the blocks in picture. The first photo is the left side. The second picture includes the right side.

I started appliqueing these blocks in November, 2015.
3. Sweet Surrender - Applique triangles are finished, need to piece the pieced triangles. 

I started appliqueing the triangles in January, 2016.

4. Nearly Insane - This is a very slow project I only work on when I feel like it. I have to be in the right mood to piece those many pieced blocks.

Started this project in January, 2016.

5. Postage Stamp Quilt - What was I thinking? I had big plans for a king sized postage stamp quilt using a whopping total of 12,000 pieces!

While evaluating my projects last week, I decided I didn't want to make it like I had planned. I pieced two more blocks so I had a dozen blocks, then I sewed them together into a crib quilt. This crib quilt has 1200 pieces in the center and measures 42" x 52". I will quilt this myself this winter sometime, probably with spiral quilting since I know how to do it now. 

I slept on this decision over night before I sewed the center together. I am so glad I decided to call it quits now. When it isn't fun anymore, it is time to either finish it or else get rid of it!

6. Wilfred & Cloves - Still need to piece the blocks to finish this quilt. Someday I'll get to her. I think this would be a good project to work on at the Jane Stickel retreat in April.

I finished the applique on this block in November, 2015. She's still waiting for the finish!

Summer Quilt - I haven't thought of anything and it probably won't happen this winter. So I'm not going to give this project a number anymore and it is officially off the list. Maybe next winter? Maybe tie it into the Rainbow Challenge? (See #8 below)

I've added 2 more projects to the list.

7. Solstice Challenge - I've joined in the challenge. Pat Sloan sends us a pattern every Wednesday. So far I've kept up!

8. I'm participating in the Rainbow Challenge this year from So Scrappy. The color for January is purple. I'm using the 4-patches I sewed for the postage stamp quilt and revised my block. I especially liked the rainbow quilt I made one of my granddaughters last winter. I thought I'd do it again.

I get tired of working on the same project all the time. These projects have plenty of variety to keep me challenged.

I hope 2017 is a very productive quilting year for you!

Linking to - One Monthly GoalSew Fresh Quilts, WIP's With FriendsMy Quilt Infatuation, Finished Or Not Friday, Crazy Mom Quilts, Confessions of a Fabric Addict


  1. You've got some wonderful projects in the works. Which one of them is your goal for January OMG? Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal.

    1. I tried to make the font larger on #1 so my OMG project would stand out more, but blogger made it even smaller! I guess it does stand out now.

    2. Remove all the text formatting, Gretchen, and that should make it match the rest. Good luck with your goal, it's a cute one!

    3. Thanks for the advice, all fixed now!

  2. I agree with you when a quilt isn't fun anymore it is time to call a halt to it and make it in to a baby quilt or whatever size it is close to

  3. I can see why you decided to call the postage stamp one quits and it's a major feat just as it is! All gorgeous projects, and all complicated as well. I love that Wilfred & Cloves applique block!

  4. I'm fascinated to see what everyone's goals and hopes are for this year, and I'm seriously impressed with your list Gretchen! All of your appliqué projects are superb and I can understand why you'd want to cut short a 'tedious' postage stamp quilt to have more time for them. Tedious or not someone's going to be thrilled with that lovely cot quilt one day! Good luck with your Churn Dash for January. And Happy New Year too!

    1. I plan to machine quilt that postage stamp quilt with swirl quilting. I don't know if I'll get to the quilting this month or not but I hope I can work it in. Thanks for the pep talk! Blessings!

  5. It all looks great! that Nearly Insane one is a killer!!

  6. Agree with the postage stamp quilt. All of your quilts look great and I like your list. I need to develop one, of course I have to get with the applique program now. I am back on track with my piecing - worth the time to de-clutter! AND you know I agree on when it is time to put a project away, give it away, or throw it away!!! I am going to do Pat's and the RSC - thx for the information on your last post!

  7. I don't blame you for cutting your losses on that postage stamp quilt - while lovely detail I know if I could maintain that for a full-sized one.
    Popped by from NTT

  8. A great list of projects for 2017! Good luck with all of them.

  9. So many beautiful projects here, good luck with your January goal.

  10. I applaud you for changing your mind on your postage stamp quilt, there is no point in struggling to finish something when your heart isn't in it anymore - a good lesson to learn for all crafters.

  11. Lots of fun projects to switch between. I quilt like that, too.

  12. Gretchen, I am so impressed with your blog and your quilting.. beautiful projects... you should give some seminars in Indiana . I would certainly come!!!!
