Sunday, December 4, 2016

Flowering Wild Strawberry Wreath

The Flowering Wild Strawberry Wreath block is finished! This block about drove me crazy; it was so boring to applique. The leaves were all the same and the strawberries were all the same. I was really glad when she was finished. I used two sizes of Karen Kay Buckley's perfect ovals for the strawberries.

There are supposed to be french knots on the strawberries to represent the seeds. I didn't add them, I think they look fine without.

This is 19th completed block from the Pastor's Attic Quilt, a Baltimore Album quilt, written by Marsha D. Radtke.

I didn't feel very inspired to sew the week of Thanksgiving so I did some sewing that I didn't need to think about. 

Several weeks (months?) ago I had cut lots and lots of strips for the Postage Stamps quilt. I got them all sewed!

After they were sewn, I organized them into groups by color. Now they are pressed and ready for cutting.

I did cut enough strips to fill up this cute tin I brought home from the retreat.

People bring treats to the retreat and then don't take the leftovers home with them. I normally bring home at least one tin but this year there were two. This one is perfect to hold the blocks cut and ready to be sewn. I'll run them through the machine while I am sewing on the Churn-Dash quilt.

The applique on the next block, Victorian Vase of Folk Art  Flowers has started and I am very thankful there is a variety of pieces to be appliqued. She should be completed by next Sunday and you can see her then.

Linking to - Kathy's Slow Sunday StitchingQuilting is More Fun than Housework, Em's Scrapbag, Love Laugh QuiltEsther's Wednesday WOW!, Sew Fresh Quilts, Finished or Not Friday


  1. I like your tin - I save these kinds of things to store things in as well. Some applique is more boring than others. the block looks great though

  2. It is a beautiful block, completed, but I can understand the tedium of repeating the elements non-stop!

  3. Nice strawberry has me longing for warmer weather and fresh local strawberries....

  4. Your strawberry block is pretty! From someome who does almost no applique, I am alway impressed with your blocks! How wide are your postage stamp strings, and are you pairing each color up with a white (orlighter colored) piece? Thanks!

    1. I cut the strips 1-1/2", they'll finish at 1". I'm pairing each strip up with a light color, mostly whites but there are a few not whites in there. I'm using leftover white fabrics from other projects and leftovers from wide quilt backing. You can't see the designs in the photos and they won't show in the quilt unless you look closely, but I am putting a dent in the leftover supply.

  5. Congratulations on finishing a block that was boring to sew! It looks terrific!
    Thanks for sharing with the Slow Sunday Stitchers!

  6. Two thumbs up for your block! It is very pretty and I can see how it would've a bit tedious. But well worth every stitch! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  7. I didn't realize that Karen Buckley had the oval shapes. Worked well for this block.

    1. I think she just recently came out with them. I saw them at Lolly's in Shipshewana and picked up a package. They are the only store so far in my area that carries them but I'm sure the others will have them soon.

  8. Your applique block is a real beauty. Your comment about this being a boring block to applique intrigued me. As I am not known to do much applique, it just never occurred to me that some blocks are more boring than others. It makes sense, though, and now I have a new way of thinking of applique. One of my lingering UFOs awaits a section that is to be appliqued. I suppose you would consider it not-so-boring as it has an urn, with vines, birds, flowers, petals, leaves, berries, butterflies, and maybe more. I am considering trying to finish it as a goal for 2017.

    1. There were 12 leaves and 36 of the ovals. I just got so tired of the repetition! Your UFO sounds lovely and interesting. I hope you get it completed in 2017.

  9. I think your strawberry wreath looks beautiful. I understand getting bored with the repetition, though. That's why it's nice to be able to switch off between different projects. I'm looking forward to seeing your Victorian Vase block!

  10. The applique on your strawberry wreath is wonderful! Cute little tin and perfect for storing your pieces.
