Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Pastor's Attic Applique Block

The 6th applique block for the Pastor's Attic quilt has been completed. The red strawberries are lightly stuffed with batting. They were supposed to have french knots embroidered on them. I embroidered 4 of them, then decided the knots didn't look right on this fabric. Next strawberry block I'll use a more solid fabric instead of a print or at least something without black dots. The berry and leaf stems are an embroidered chain stitch. It has been so long since I've used a chain stitch, I needed to get my embroidery book out and remind myself how to do this stitch.

I've also appliqued blocks 2, 3 and 4 of Sweet Surrender. I can't believe how fast these blocks applique. It seems like it takes me longer to prep them, than it does to actually applique them.

I've gotten a start on piecing blocks for the Salinda Rupp/Nearly Insane quilt. The corner block (which is divided into 4th) and 2 of the side blocks (which are divided into half). The half blocks look kind of make-shift, but I think they will look better when I get the next row sewn and attached. This quilt will be a rather scrappy blue and yellow project, I'm trying to use fabrics I have in my stash.

Now I need to prep again, more Sweet Surrender, more Insane blocks and another Pastor's Attic block. 

Linking up to Esther's Wednesday Wow Freshly PiecedMy Quilt InfatuationA Quilting Reader's Garden, Crazy Mom Quilts, Kathy's Slow Sunday StitchingQuilting is More Fun than Housework and Love Laugh Quilt.


  1. That Pastor's Attic block looks really nice. You cannot know how difficult it is for me to not just jump in and start one also. Especially with that feathered block. I have the pattern, background and some red and green fabrics I bought for it several years ago. And I have a pastor son-in-law! You are really moving along quickly with this. I am encouraged.

    1. The blocks applique fairly fast, not as fast as the Sweet Surrender blocks though. It does make it more enjoyable to switch between the 2 projects.

  2. These applique blocks are lovely! I often feel that it takes more time to prep, yes! :)

  3. Love your applique blocks. The Pastors Attic block is beautiful!

  4. Very pretty blocks! Always nice to work in such different fabric palettes. I do love the fresh look of the Sweet Surrender blocks!

  5. Very pretty Gretchen. I really like your Sweet Surrender. Yes sometimes the prep work is more difficult. I am hoping I can use my Jenkins freezer paper that runs through the printer, if not..... then on with the tracing onto the freezer paper!

  6. Very nice appliqué . It will be an amazing quilt when all done

  7. just lovely- haven't ventured into the hand appliqué arena yet, but you make me want to!
    Love the yellow and blues BTW :)

  8. I just became aware of Sweet Surrender -- your comment about the quickness of stitching tempts me even more!! Lovely quilt design!

  9. What beautiful applique blocks! And you are making such great progress on your Nearly Insane. Good job!

  10. the wreath block that you show I made and used in my Traditional Red and Green Applique several years ago - I recognized it as soon as I saw it - I love that block and some others that were in the book that I found it in. It looks lovely in the colors you chose.

  11. I absolutely adore the strawberry block. I really like the vintage look of the Sweet Surrender blocks. A blue and yellow quilt too. This is one of my favorite combinations. I enjoyed looking at the photos of this post.

  12. Nice blocks and very nice fabric choices!

  13. Your applique is looking wonderful.
    Great to see the start of the Nearly Insane quilt!

  14. Oh such lovely applique blocks! I agree that prep work does take time!

  15. You have been busy with all of your projects! I hope to do some appliqué today too. Have fun hand stitching today.

  16. I've always admired the Nearly Insane quilt. Maybe someday! Love those skinny little vines. So pretty!

  17. Your appliqué blocks are beautiful! Hopefully, that makes all the prep time worth it!

  18. I love your applique blocks. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  19. Such lovely blocks! it looks like the Sweet Surrender blocks are stitched onto one piece of cloth.
    Is that because they are so small and you will cut them apart later?
    Or is it a whole cloth kind of a quilt?

    1. I'm not making the backgrounds scrappy, using all the same. The applique blocks will be triangles when cut apart. I've marked larger triangles on my width of fabric, then marked the applique layout on them. There will be pieces triangles between each applique triangle. I guess that is clear.

  20. Pretty applique blocks, I love the blue and yellow combo. Have a great Slow Sunday Stitching.

  21. Such pretty appliqué blocks. Yes, it does seem like the prep work take so much longer than the actual appliqué. I love blue and yellow quilts - your's is just beautiful.

  22. Your applique is delightful. And kudos for going insane or nearly insane.

  23. Nice applique. I especially like the fabrics in the Sweet Surrender blocks.

  24. Beautifully done on both applique blocks! Very pretty. Love your color choices for you Nearly Insane project.

  25. Your wreath block is oh so nice, but I'm in love with those Sweet Surrender blocks - gorgeous. Thanks for linking to WIPs Be Gone so I could discover this sweet pattern. BLessings,
