2020 Quilts

Quilts completed in 2020. Click on title of quilt for a link to read about the quilt.

I get a lot of enquiries about the pattern for this quilt.
You can order it directly from Sue Cody at dragonfly.studio@bigpond.com 

Appliqued, pieced and hand quilted by me.
90" by 103"

John Deere Panel Quilt
Designed by me - 91" by 100"
Pieced by me, long arm quilted by 3 Sisters, New Paris, Ind.

Pieced by me, Quilted by Joy, Calico Point

Summer Stars - 61" by 72"
Pieced by me, Quilted by Joy, Calico Point

Embroidery by Sylvia Jane Miller, Pieced and hand quilted by me.

Pieced & machine quilted by me.

Pieced & machine quilted by me.

Embroidered, pieced & machine quilted by me.

Quilt top purchased off resale table for $20.
Hand quilted by me.

Hand quilted by me. 41" by 48"

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