Sunday, September 1, 2024

Blueberry Pie Borders

The flowers are appliqued in the first corner. The next step is to add leaves and the circles. 

I'm not sure I really like the flower in the corner but I'm not going to change it.

The pattern for Blueberry Pie is found in the Red, White and Sometimes Blue book but it's not called Blueberry Pie. You'll find it listed as Writer's Block. I thought the name was rather unimaginative so I changed it to reflect the blues used in my quilt.

The pattern in the book does NOT have an applique border, this is my addition. The border is a variation of the center medallion in the Lady Jane pattern, designed by Nancy Rink.


  1. Maybe once the rest of the applique is finished it will be more pleasing to your eye. If not, could you add some of the light or medium blue to the large outer pointy flower ? I'm having the same issue right now. My applique border seems to be overpowering the center of the quilt. I'm not willing to take away any applique and I'm playing around with adding more applique to the center of the quilt.

  2. I not only like your quilt, I LOVE the name! I like the look of that book.

  3. I would not redo the corner flower either. It's fine. Perhaps you will like it better when other appliques are added and when top is all quilted.

  4. I think this corner looks just fine. This is so pretty.

  5. Your applique is really stunning. I wouldn't change a thing! I think the bold applique becomes the real star.

  6. I like the new name for your quilt. It's coming a long nicely. I admire appliqué but I don't do much of it. Your's is beautiful.

  7. What beautiful work, you are amazing.

  8. I think your Blueberry Pie looks gorgeous. I love the applique including your corner flower. It is well done. BTW: I rarely name my quilt the pattern name. It might contain something from the pattern and might not. Mine get named either because the fabric or why it was made. Blueberry Pie is PERFECT! Love your touch to the quilt.

  9. You know your appliqué border addition is what pushes this quilt over the top and makes it truly spectacular, right? I can't wait to see how you'll quilt it!

  10. Wonderful applique work! I think the design is unique and different from other ones you have made. But I do think it is attractive and will fill out better ones your leaves are attached. This one has pushed you to create something new.

  11. That is absolutely beautiful, Gretchen, and what a great name for this quilt. It does remind me of blueberries!

  12. Absolutely gorgeous pineapple blocks.
