Wednesday, August 7, 2024

More Comforter Bindings

The comforters for binding had been piling up while I had been machine quilting binging. Of course I took pictures.

Some of the comforters are more attractive than others but they will all be loved.

These comforters have been take to the MCC rescourse center where they will be distributed for use.

Let me clarify, I did not piece these tops or knot them, I'm one of the binders.

This is the way I bind these comforters. There is a quick link to this tutorial on the top right hand of my blog.

Midweek Makers, Wednesday Wait Loss, Needle & Thread Thursday, Put Your Foot Down, TGIFF!, Finished or Not Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Beauty Pageant, Patchwork & Quilts


  1. Dear Gretchen, Wow! What a collection of finished comforters. It is a great gift for each and everyone who receives one.

  2. You've been busy binding! All those quilts are lovely, and it is good to know they will do good.

  3. So nice of you to finish these for your guild! They will provide so much comfort I'm sure. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  4. All of the quilts are so beautiful , Gretchen. I am drawn to the one with a trail of flowers down the center. Have a wonderful day and Happy quilting.

  5. Charity quilts aren't ready to be gifted until they are bound and labeled. What a great service you do for group and ultimately, the recipients of the quilts.

  6. Gretchen, well done! And your binding tutorial makes a super-neat finish. Thanks for sharing with TGIFF! today!

  7. I love your method for binding the comforters. As with all things you do, very exacting and turns out great. Thanks for the tutorial reference as well. What a pile you finished!

  8. That is a lot of binding. They all look so different. Lovely finishes. They will be appreciated.

  9. I like the way you bound these lovely conforters, and thanks for the link to the tutorial! Great collection of donation quilts!

  10. What a gift to take these quilted projects and bind them so they can be distributed. Each will be loved and appreciated!

  11. THAT!!! is a lot of binding!! Thanks to you for doing that!! Great bunch of love being sent out in the world!

  12. What beautiful bed covers, so much fun to work on. I made my first two tops and am now thinking about my third... and my first binding is coming soon too, after quilting :-)))
    It's so much fun to work with the materials.
    A hug for you. You did a fantastic job.
