Sunday, April 7, 2024

Hearts & Wreaths

If you remember way back in January when I put Hearts & Wreaths into the quilting frame, I didn't put the full quilt into the frame.

Since the quilt is slightly more than halfway quilted, I put that portion of the quilt into the frame. It's not hard to do, just unpin, adjust and pin again. Here are pictures of the adjusted quilt.

The quilting frame had been at the west of the basesment, now it's been moved to the east end under more LED lights that have been installed. I've included scrappy sprouts in this photo. Those things you see hanging from the ceiling are part of some decorations the former owners had left. The farmer yanked them down but the ends didn't come. When son 2 comes, I'll have him remove them. He's tall and can reach them without a ladder.

Here is just the quilt.

A side view of the quilt.

My plan for quilting is to go around the quilt and quilt the outside border. That takes longer than the inside blocks. It does get rather boring at times but that's why I watch movies on my ipad. Years ago, in the farm house, our TV was on a stand with wheels. I was able to turn it around and watch TV while I stitched which was very convenient.

I know that corner looks slightly puckery, it will be fine once the border is rolled. Overall, I've been pleased with the side tension with this frame.

There will be no post from me next Sunday, I'll be at the Jane Stickle Retreat in Shipshewana!

Just a reminder, I have problems with Mail Chimp delivery. If my Sunday/Thursday posts aren't delivered to you via email, just type into your browser. Or bookmark me!

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh Scrap, Handmade Monday, Sew & Tell, Craftastic Monday, Design Wall Monday, Monday This 'N That, Monday MusingsTo Do Tuesday


  1. You have the patience of a saint, Gretchen with all that hand quilting. I imagine you've watched a lot of TV through the years while you quilt. Hearts and wreath is truly a vision splendid. Enjoy your retreat next weekend.

  2. Your new LED lights should help you see better while quilting. This is a gorgeous quilt! It’s good to have tall family members to assist with those up high jobs! Gail at the cozy quilter

  3. Yay on the new lights. Your quilt looks so pretty in the frame, and I love Scrappy Sprouts!

  4. This quilt makes me smile every time. Your hand quilting is amazing! I would love to learn to hand quilt.

  5. Your frame looks huge. Need a big room for it! Beautiful quilt.

  6. Hooray for better lighting! You must be feeling so terrific about all the progress on this project. I enjoy reading your updates every week!

  7. it looks so good! I watch movies and series all the time while quilting

  8. Dear Gretchen,

    This quilt just gets more beautiful with each stitch!

  9. I am amazed at the progress you have made on this quilt. Although you say adding the rest of the quilt to the frame is easy, I'm not sure I would think so if I had to do it. Enjoy your retreat!

  10. Such a beautiful quilt! Looks like your quilting is moving right along. Enjoy the retreat!

  11. The quilting is coming along beautifully. I'm sure you will enjoy your retreat, looking forward to reading about in later on.

  12. Shipshewana is on my retreat bucket list. I planned to go this coming summer, but it was canceled. Enjoy!

    It is wonderful to see that hand quilting is still a thing. I personally have not done it in years. Your applique' quilt is gorgeous! I have a mini wall hanging in the same pattern.

    Have a great week!

  13. Have fun at your retreat. And fantastic that you have moved the quilt to do the other side. I assume it means you are half done? Tall sons are a big help when they have time to come over, that is for sure!

  14. Lovely to have the second half in the frame now. Enjoy your retreat. xx

  15. You've done so well at keeping up a good pace on the hand quilting. Enjoy your retreat!

  16. This looks amazing, what a labour of love :-)

  17. That quilt is stunning! Wow! Have loads of fun at the retreat.

  18. Oh be still my heart, this is so so soooo awesome and well done. I do not have the patience to do this, but can admire the work of others like you.
    I visited you via Handmade Monday. My entries are Peppadew Burger Patties and Air Fryer Parmesan Crumbed Fried Pork Chops. Feel free to join SSPS Linkup M-S:

  19. Gretchen, this is such a gorgeous quilt! I know you are happy with the new lights and to have this over half done! Thanks for sharing with Monday Musings!

  20. That is a stunning quilt - and the quilting - wow!! Thats pretty cool to see how you do it in the frame!!

  21. It's such a beautiful quilt! I'd be putting on audio books and just enjoying the process--will be so worth it!

  22. Wow that's a lot of stitching, beautiful stitching! It turned out amazing!

  23. Like your Radiant Blues, Hearts and Wreaths is another beauty,Gretchen. You will do a magnificnet job of quilting them. I have a tv in the sewing room and it does help pass time for boring bits. I am so envious of you going to the Jane Stickle retreat. That is awesome and enjoy every minute.

  24. OH boy! A retreat! Your Sprouts really look great and Hearts and Wreaths is absolutely beautiful. Have fun next week! Hugs

  25. What a set up for your hand quilting. Watching movies or tv does halp to keep the mind going when doing needlework. I like to do hand stitching at night by the tv with my husband along side. So glad you were able to reposition it for the other half. Lots of great progress!

  26. This is one of my favorite quilts that you have worked on, Gretchen. I love all of the scrappy goodness in this one. You are moving right along. Love your work area too. Aaah I remember having a tv on a rolling stand-great memory. Happy quilting. Hugs

  27. Thanks for the link to the paper pieced feathered star. It’s been on my “love to make it” list for years and I’d never really thought about paper piecing it
    Thanks too for taking the time to post your lovely quilts. You are such an inspiration
    Best, Cynthia
