Sunday, February 18, 2024

Hearts & Wreaths

I haven't gotten tired of quilting Hearts & Wreaths yet which is a good things because I'm going to be doing this for several months!

The center section with the hearts quilts faster because there isn't as much detail.

This picture is to show you how the quilting design looks in between the applique. I really like how these diagonal lines meet up. Next week I can show you more of the quilt design in the corners of the blocks.

Here is a link to my first post about Hearts & Wreaths. And here is a link to the source of the Hearts & Wreaths pattern

Another amaryllis has started blooming, this pretty salmon color. There is a 2nd bud but it won't be blooming for several weeks. That extends the flowering for a longer period of time.

Another view of the same amaryllis with the Peppermint stick amaryllis in the background. Both buds are blooming on that flower.

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh Scrap, Handmade Monday, Sew & Tell, Design Wall Monday, Craftastic Monday, Monday Musings, Monday This 'N ThatTo Do Tuesday


  1. I just love your quilting on hearts & wreaths! Such a fun plan for stitching!
    I love your 2 amaryllis plants.. they are doing well!

  2. I just love seeing those pretty stitches of yours up close. Thanks for the links to check out the pattern. It is a beauty!

  3. The quilting looks great. Enjoy your stitching time this week.

  4. Dear Gretchen,

    Beautiful flowers and leaves, it is so colourful and it just makes me smile whenever you post pictures of this quilt. Especially with the snow falling down and all that we see outdoors is just white. Thank you.

  5. Those flowers and leaves are so, so pretty, and the quilting just makes them even prettier. Nicely done!

  6. your flowers are so pretty - I se you do not have stakes holding them up - I tried to turn mine every day to keep the straight and it didn't work and always have to stake them
    your quilting is so pretty

  7. Wow! That quilting is so beautiful! That salmon colored flower is so pretty!

  8. Your quilting is beautiful, it's so bright and cheerful. I never have any luck with amaryllis but yours is lovely.

  9. Amaryllis are such elegant flowers. Yours are flowering beautifully, Gretchen. Those diagonal quilting lines meeting the central pattern are a lovely touch.

  10. With so many pretty scrappy fabrics in the hearts and leaves, it would be easy to hold interest for hand quilting.

  11. Always so nice to see photos of your quilting.

  12. Beautiful quilting - your amaryllis are lovely. xx

  13. Hearts and Wreaths is looking great, Gretchen! I wouldn’t get tired of that one, either — I could look at your beautiful appliqué all day long.

  14. Your work is always so beautiful I never get tired of admiring it, my friend ... :) Pat

  15. Gorgeous blooms in the flowers and the quilt! The colourful fabric petals are so happy! Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  16. I love the playfulness of your leaf colors. I admire your patience to do hand quilting. I don't have it. Beautiful!

  17. Hand quilting definitely takes a lot of time. Good you are not tired of it.

  18. Your quilting is so pretty. I love those amaryllis flowers.

  19. Continuing to be amazing! The quilting is divine. Can't wait to see the corner designs. Keep on quilting!

  20. I just love seeing your progress! Thanks for joining in on Monday This and That, I hope you had a great week! xx

  21. Your quilting is wonderful. I really love those Amaryllis - especially the peppermint one! So unique! Thanks for sharing on Monday Musings!
