Sunday, January 21, 2024

Hearts & Wreaths Border

The first border on Hearts & Wreaths is quilted and it's a long border too! That why I like to quilt on the long side, it feels like I've accomplished so much more. Here are pictures moving from the left side to the right side.

I am glad I decided to add the single line in between the double quilted lines. The cotton batting doesn't have the 'lift' that a wool batt has but they can still look poofy. I don't like my quilts to look poofy.

This border is 8.5" wide but I could easily reach to the top of the border. After I took the pictures, I rolled the stick several times and I'm ready to start quilting the blocks but there are sections of side borders to quilt on each side also.

Here is a link to the first post I wrote about Hearts & Wreaths. It includes information about the quilt and also a link to the pattern.


  1. I think the single line in between the double lines looks wonderful, too. Beautiful quilting, Gretchen!

  2. Lovely quilting! Did you ever count the number of appliquéd leaves on this quilt? Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  3. I love this quilt so much; the applique on the border is inspiring! Your quilting choices are always so beautiful.

  4. It looks fabulous, perfect quilting. Have a great Sunday.

  5. You've made great progress on the borders. Happy stitching this week.

  6. I like that line between the double lines!

  7. Line in between works perfectly! I love your hand quilting!

  8. That quilting is glorious! I love the single line. When you come to a leaf, do you go under it or tie it off and then start again on the other side?

  9. Great choices, Gretchen. Your quilting is beautiful!

  10. Beautiful quilting. I love seeing this quilt. So cheerful.

  11. Dear Gretchen,

    The colourful leaves are perfect for the cold and icy weather conditions we’re having. Brings a smile to my heart. Thank you.

  12. This certainly is a spectacular quilt.

  13. Omg how cute this is awwww.... I wish I had more time to do make it, but hey, one day I will :)

  14. This border is so beautiful. Wonderful stitching ... :) Pat

  15. I've got a quilt that I've needed inspiration on how to continue the quilting ... WHAT's NEXT? I often have trouble with WHAT'S NEXT as in "how do I proceed from here" with this quilt, and have finally gotten some old, and I mean OLD quilts finished this last year. One was my very first quilt start, 1990! The other was from around 2002. Sometimes, for me the WHAT'S NEXT is just slap on a couple of borders and call it done. Again, thanks for that inspiration of double quilting lines then a single and repeat!

  16. Love that double line of stitching! This is another beauty, Gretchen!

  17. The quilting on your gorgeous quilt is lovely, Gretchen, and the extra line you stitched creates a little extra bit of interest.

  18. You have such intuition about what will make the quilt look the best! Such a beauty with all the hand work that has already transpired to make this. Your quilting is such a thing of beauty even of itself: such even stitches and so small! How much time do you spend each day for quilting?

  19. So very pretty and so much work!

  20. That is my favorite type of border. It looks so pretty!

  21. Such beautiful cheery leaves/fabrics! Lovely quilting!

  22. Such a lovely quilt pattern for the border! I love the texture it provides. The applique is gorgeous and the quilting helps to accentuate that. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  23. Such a lovely quilt! I can't wait to see it finished!

  24. I love the single line between the double lines, Gretchen! This is coming along nicely! Beautiful quilt and quilting! Thanks for sharing with Monday Musings!
