Friday, December 1, 2023

Dresden Stars

The Jane Stickle retreat was held early November. The next several posts are going to be about the projects I worked on.

A year ago at the November 2022 Jane Stickle Retreat, I pieced Dresden points. This fall I added the narrow cream triangle between each point and sewed 18 Dresden plates.

This picture is supposed to be horizontal but I'm still learning how to do things with the new computer. This is just 5 of the 18 plates.

I bought this kit years ago at Lolly's sometime between 2006 and 2010. The pattern is called Dresden Star and was designed by Edyta Sitar. 

Edyta has updated the pattern with brighter fabrics that look much happier than the browns she originally used.

Another retreater was watching me piece these plates and told me she also purchased the kit years ago. I asked her if Lolly's had a quilt on display and she said yes and that it was more colorful than Edyta's original brown quilt.

Of course I didn't purchase just one kit, I don't make little throws, I bought two kits so I could make a full sized quilt which is why I ended up making 18 plates.

The next step is to applique these plates onto the background fabric then add the circles to the inside. I'm not going to hand applique these plates, machine applique will be used. That will happen sometime this winter.

Linking to Put Your Foot Down, TGIFF!, Peacock Party, Whoop Whoop Party, Finished or Not  Friday, Beauty Pageant, Patchwork & Quilts


  1. I love the dresden stars… thanks for sharing the pattern link too!
    I can’t wait to see this get appliquéd this winter!
    Have a fab December 1 :)

  2. That was me Gretchen! Lol

  3. Oh, gosh...I love those Dresden Stars. Stellar work!

  4. These are beautiful - love the cream triangles.

  5. Ces étoiles de Dresde me plaisent beaucoup.
    J’ai beaucoup de tissus d’Edyta Sitar et je vais m’inspirer de ce modèle.
    Merci pour les liens.

  6. that is a neat pattern - and yes why purchase one kit if you can get two and make it larger!

  7. Happy December, Gretchen. These Dresdens are stunning. I just adore that fabrics that you are using- so yummy. Enjoy working on these beauties.

  8. Dont they look lovely, like big sunflowers.

  9. Your dresden plates are beautiful. I like bright colors a lot and often work with brights but the colors on your plates are beautiful in their own right.

  10. These are gorgeous! And that picture that is supposed to be horizontal is rather interesting as a vertical picture - for a minute, I thought you had some barn quilts! ~Jeanne

  11. Those Dresdens are stunning! xx

  12. Gorgeous! Aren’t retreats wonderful for making progress on our projects??!! Gail at the Cozy Quilter.

  13. Love your retreat progress. There are always those who have to make it a bit bigger - I am often in that crowd! Thanks for linking up to TGIFF!

  14. Oh, these Dresden are going to shine! I love the cream triangles, wonderful piecing.
    Thank you for sharing this exciting project, and linking up!

  15. Very pretty. Interesting way to do plates. Hugs.

  16. I really like these - that pop of light in there makes them look like stars to me
