Sunday, December 10, 2023

A Gift From Bethlehem

Last August I posted about a small wool work nativity I wanted to make before Christmas. That was easily done, I finished the stitching in one afternoon in September! 

It's not a complete finish but it is farther along. I thought I had a frame that would fit the stitchery but I don't. I checked at Michael's and they don't have one that is the right size. Hmmm, I'm going to have to improvise but I'll probably wait until next year.

The pattern for A Gift From Bethlehem is available from Litttle Bits by Joan.

I was in Wakarusa last week and took a picture of the flower garden at rest. There is a Nativity in there now.

I also took a long view picture of the Christmas tree in the main square so it's a bit blurry. 

A tree in the center of the main intersection means no left turns and don't try turning it into a roundabout. The police frown on that. 

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh Scrap, Handmade Monday, Sew & Tell, Design Wall Monday, Craftastic Monday, Monday Musings


  1. I hope you can find a frame the right size for that pretty nativity. I like the nativity in the garden also.

  2. Very pretty stitchery. Hope you can find the right sized frame for it. Our downtown is decorated too, but we don't have a center, so no tree.

  3. Such a charming project! I hope you find a frame for it.

  4. It's such a nice stitchery, I hope you'll be able to find a frame that will fit it. Maybe you can fudge it a little by using a mat board like they use around pictures when they frame them.


  5. Love your work and enjoy your finishes! The wool piece is very sweet. Check out “flat fold finishes” on YouTube. Great way to finish without a frame especially for a seasonal display…

  6. Can you "mat" your piece to get it to a size you can find a frame that is the correct size? If not mat board what about adding a fabric border. Frames can be so expensive. I too enjoy seeing your work. . .fully finished or not!

  7. I love your stitched nativity, I'm sure you'll find just the right frame for it soon. Or maybe you could add a length of wood across the top and turn it into a hanging of some kind?

  8. Nice project. Love the Nativity scene. And the Tree is beautiful. Hugs

  9. What a wonderful wook project! The Nativity Scene in the Quilt Garden is lovely! Thanks for sharing on Monday Musings.
