Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Comforters for MCC

There are a group of ladies who meet Wednesday evenings at my church. They take the summer off but have now resumed. I don't attend Wednesday nights but I volunteer to bind the comforters after they have been knotted or strung.

I was recently given four comforters to bind. The first two, the lovely blue ones, are completely finished.

The other two have been stringed?, strung? strunged?, what is the proper word?

The strings will be snipped then knotted at a mini comforter bash at my church in October which is different from the BIG comforter bash in November.

I'm not naive. I know world peace isn't going to happen because my church is making comforters for MCC who sends them to refugees or disaster victims but it gives hope to the recipients and let them know they're not alone.

Here is a link to MCC where you can read about where these comforters are going.


  1. I really like those simple quilts of just squares. Blues are good non gender colors. I did go to the MCC website to see the tutorials for making and tying comforters. Very comprehensive. There is always need, isn’t there? Have a good week!

  2. Very colorful quilts for a good cause.

  3. I'm trying to figure out what a "strung" quilt is - I enlarge the photo to try to see what it is but it doesn't look quilted - how does it stay together?

  4. Hi Gretchen! How nice that you are willing to add the bindings for some charity quilts. If everyone thought that what they did to help won't make a difference, no difference would ever be made. I choose to think that even small measures do add up, like a snowball gathering friends as it rolls down a hill. Thank you for your part and thank you for the link to MCC. Happy Tuesday to you. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. If everyone would make that effort, maybe we still wouldn't have world peace but it would sure be a much lovelier world! We do what we can!

  6. Doing the bindings must be a big help to the ladies, and gives you a chance to see what they have been working on.

  7. What sweet fun quilts and how wonderful that you volunteer to do the binding. Beautiful job by all.

  8. Nice to see what others have been making and get to see the finished item. I too have no idea what a strung quilt is! xx

  9. Who wouldn't feel better after receiving a gift? It's lovely of you ladies to make these. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.


  10. How about Pre-strung for tying! LOL. Very nice to send those quilts to the people who are suffering. I am sure there are many in the US that are suffering, excluding those who are dope heads living on the street. I no longer recognize the country I was born in. Have a great week-end. Hugs
