Tuesday, September 12, 2023

A Little Table Topper

Last September I visited my friend Deanna in Utah. One of the outings we enjoyed was the Garden of Quilts at Thanksgiving Point where we viewed all 600 quilts in one day!

At the Ten Sister's booth they were selling their book and the fusible webbing used in piecing their quilts from the book. Deanna bought the book and fusible. 

The fusible has squares printed on it. You cut your fabric into the corresponding sized squares, arrange them on the fusible and iron them on. You fold on the printed lines, stitch your 1/4" then turn and stitch the other direction. I had never heard of this idea before! I assume this technique has been demonstrated at national quilt shows but I haven't been to one since several years before covid happened.

When we returned to her home, she cut a piece of the fusible for me to make a practice quilt using 2.5" squares. I pieced a small quilt top and brought it home with me.

After I finished quilting the hexie table runner, I decided to quickly quilt the little quilt and now it's finished after a year of waiting!

It's a little summer table topper and looks nice under the fern on my island.

The topper measures 14" by 14.5". I had thought the fusible would eliminate not having it be square, was the problem me or the fusible? I don't know and I'm not going to worry about it. 

I have more fusible that was gifted to me but I haven't started the project yet. It's for a larger quilt and I hope to start piecing it someday.

I used a piece of sage green fabric for the backing.


  1. Gretchen this little topper is sew cute! I have never heard of this fusible without seeing it… I think you could use that most of g to he year.. your fern is lovely and lush green too!

  2. Nice table topper. I used that fusible years ago but prefer regular piecing. But I love the colors in your table topper and that's a very nice looking fern :) Sending hugs!

  3. Cute Topper!
    I gave it a try with a small piece a few years back. I was not really a fan of it. From what I remember, it was just too bulky and awkward and I forget what else. Guess it would be helpful if you were laying out a TATW or similar and wanted to make sure things didn't get out of place. But if you happened to get a piece in the wrong place, then what a mess to correct that one! Guess you, Michele and I will be like three peas in a pod on this one.

  4. I have heard of that fusible but never actually seen or used it. Your table topper is pretty under the pot plant.

  5. Such a sweet table quilt, Gretchen and what an interesting technique to use fusible. It turned out great.

  6. That fusible makes it so easy and fast to sew squares together accurately. Love your little mini and I look forward to the larger quilt you have planned. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.


  7. Your mini quilt is perfect for your table. I need to try the fusible!

  8. My LQS used to sell that gridded fusible, but I never did try it. Your little table topper is nice, and I think you found the perfect spot for it!

  9. I remember that fusible was what was used when they were doing the watercolor quilts.

  10. It sounds like such a nifty idea and wonderful seeing what you made with it. A lovely topper looking so pretty there.

  11. This technique was around in early 2000 when I started quilting. I think I did a few things with it, but it never really caught on. It was great for color placement and fast sewing. Cannot remember which book. They sold the fusible on the bolt. Interesting that it came back again. Hugs
