Sunday, July 2, 2023

Quilting Lady Jane

It's been a long time since I've posted about Lady Jane. Those hexies just kind of took over. Last week I focused on hand quilting again and made it across the width of the quilt! 

Here are photos from left to right.

These darker gray fabrics stitcher harder than the lighter colors. I think it has to do with with the white designs.

This gray leaf fabric stitches the hardest of all!

As usual, you can't see the quilting on the floral border but it does show on the dark outside border.

I've rolled and this is the next swath to be quilted. You can see after I finish the quilting on this churn dash row, the next section is the checkerboard border before the outside border. I'm getting close to the finish! This picture shows the true colors of the fabrics in Lady Jane.

Here is a link to the Lady Jane pattern.

Here is a link to all my Lady Jane posts. Here is a link to the first post about quilting Lady Jane. I see that she went into the quilting frame in January. I haven't been quilting her as long as I thought I had been. 

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh Scrap, Sew & Tell, Design Wall Monday, Craftastic Monday, Monday Musings


  1. Lady Jane is one of my favorite quilts you've done! At least I thought it was until I was catching up with blog reading and saw Star Dance! It certainly was worth the time you put into it. It's fantastic! Have a safe and happy holiday!

  2. This is going to be beautiful! I love a blue and white quilt. :)

  3. So close to another amazing finish! That border fabric is so beautiful with your blue block fabrics!

  4. Your blue and white Lady Jane is so elegant.

  5. Those gray leaves would be a challenge to quilt/mark; but, it looks like you have more than conquered the challenge! This is such a gorgeous quilt. I drool every time you post about it!

  6. That is gorgeous!! Blue and white/grey just always speaks to me - one of the very best color combo.

  7. So, so close to a finish! This will be lovely to see once done.

  8. So lovely! I have trouble handquilting in a frame because of directional issues, like when I have to turn a corner and so my needle is at an awkward angle. How do you overcome that?

  9. I have just returned to hand quilting a quilt that has been on the frame for months. It feels good to see progress happening. You are almost done!!

  10. Lady Jane is really gorgeous. You've been making steady progress on the quilting. Happy hand stitching this week.

  11. This is such a gorgeous quilt, Gretchen and to be quilted by hand makes it such a treasured work of love! Thanks for linking up with Monday Musings.

  12. Gorgeous designs to hand quilt......
