Sunday, July 9, 2023

Another Week Quilting Lady Jane

Another week of hand quilting Lady Jane and I am that much closer to a finish.

First I'll start off with a picture of the row after quilting. This row was the last row of churn dash blocks.

I am enjoying quilting again after taking several weeks off.

Here are are closeup pictures from the left to the right.

The quilt has been rolled and this is the next section to be quilted. I will stitch in the ditch along the bottom of the blue sashing then roll again so the sashing is closer to the bottom. If it's too far down, I'll have trouble stitching it horizontally.

Last week I was asked if I have a problem with a stationery quilting frame since I can't turn the frame. This is how I've always hand quilted. Occasionally I'll quilt a small project in a hoop and it is handy to turn it around but I'm used to my frame. Basically I can quilt every direction I need to, that just comes with experience.

Here is a link to the Lady Jane pattern.

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh ScrapSew & Tell, Design Wall Monday, Craftastic Monday, Monday Musings


  1. Boy it's really coming along. Then again it's been so hot that I can't imagine a better thing to do these days! Thanks for the sharing the pattern link! Have a great day!

  2. I think you are a wiz with hand quilting on your frame, Gretchen. I suppose if you have been quilting by this method most of your life it would be second nature to you. As ever Lady Jane is looking superb.

  3. Oh, so, so close to finishing. Looking forward to seeing this beauty with binding on and done.

  4. Lady Jane is beautiful. You are so close to a finish. I love your quilting.

  5. I agree with you - you get used to quilting in all directions don't you. It is looking great.

  6. Your quilting is really beautiful! Looks like you're getting close to the end on this one.

  7. Your Lady Jane is looking beautiful! I love clicking on the photos to enlarge them so I can admire your tiny hand quilting stitches. :-)

  8. That is so true about hand quilting. The more you quilt, the easier it is to stitch in every direction. I've lost much of my ability to do that since quilting smaller projects, and rarely on a frame now. I so admire your quilting!

  9. This is such a beautiful quilt Gretchen! Your fabric selection is just perfect and your quilting is extraordinary as usual!

  10. Lovely indeed, and you are getting closer to the finish line. I've only used a hoop for quilting, big quilt frames are not at all common here in New Zealand.

  11. Congrats on all the progress this week. It has to feel good to be getting close to the finish line on this project. Though I always feel a bit sad when a project I really enjoyed was completed.

  12. Wow. . .such a lot of progress on Lady Jane this week. Does it help your fingers to take a bit of a break? I find that with hand piecing there is a limit that my fingers like! Lady Jane grows more beautiful with each stitch!

  13. Such beautiful work, Gretchen. I'm really enjoying seeing the progress you've made on Lady Jane and I'm glad you are enjoying quilting again. Sometimes a little break really does us good! Thanks for linking up with Monday Musings!

  14. Geweldig ! En de kleuren blauw ook zo mooi :0))

  15. Lady Jane is looking wonderful, Gretchen. It is great that you took a bit of a break and feel refreshed and ready to quilt now. I hope you are enjoying your summer

  16. Dead Gretchen,

    It is wonderful to see all the beautiful quilts you are working on. Hand quilting is so soothing and satisfying to work on.
    Since your move many great quilts have been finished, a treat to keep and enjoy. Love all of them, blue is my favourite colour.
    Have a great day.

  17. So close to finishing! Makes one feel so good to get a quilt finished - and this is going to be such a beautiful quilt. Hugs
