Sunday, May 14, 2023

Quilting Lady Jane

Even though I post about other handwork projects sometimes on Sunday, I'm continually hand quilting Lady Jane

I've finished the center medallion section! 

Here are pictures going from the right side of the quilt to the left side.

The center medallion is finished! I've used a wool batt in this quilt, the texture feels so nice when I gently move my fingers across the quilted sections.

The left side of the quilt.

It's hard to really see the quilting except on the background fabric of the medallion and the darker blue borders, sorry.

Click here for a link to the Lady Jane pattern. I do wish my quilt was larger. The pattern has 3 rows of churn dash blocks on the top and bottom of the medallion. I don't know why I didn't add those rows to this quilt?

And here is a link to the first post I wrote about quilting Lady Jane.

This post may be the only post this week. Spring is finally here and I'm enjoying the outdoors. My sewing mojo seems to have disappeared for now.

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh Scrap, Sew & Tell, Handmade Monday, Design Wall Monday, Craftastic Monday, Monday Musings


  1. Beautiful quilting as always! The irises are out in my garden too. Fingers crossed the warm weather stays with us.

  2. Your garden is very pretty. My irises have yet to bloom. Enjoy the outdoors.

  3. Gourgeous hand quilting, Gretchen.
    Happy Mother's Day. Enjoy the outdoors!!

  4. Gorgeous quilting! I'd enjoy the outdoors if it weren't already getting into the 90's.

  5. Your quilting looks amazing, Gretchen. The medallion is a great motif. Happy Mother's Day.

  6. Lady Jane is looking gorgeous as always. And the irises are so pretty, such a lovely colour.

  7. Beautiful quilt. I love the colours and fabrics you've chosen. Happy mothers day :)

  8. I've never associated the losing of one's sewing mojo with you, Gretchen, mainly because each week you amaze us all with your beautiful hand quilting on your sublime quilts. 'Tis always a joy to look at the progress of Lady Jane. How nice you are enjoying your garden now that Spring has finally come to your part of the world. Your irises are breathtaking...gorgeous colour.

  9. The quilting is coming along beautifully! Enjoy your spring weather, we've got rain for most of the week, so any gardening here will have to wait.

  10. I'm not sure which is prettier - the Lady Jane quilt or those iris. Happy spring!

  11. But your flower mojo is in full swing! Lady Jane is perfect as it is. =)

  12. Going to be a beauty! I so love the blue and white quilts!

  13. Love the pretty blues and your gorgeous quilting. That's a pretty iris plant - enjoy your outdoor time!

  14. I enjoy the texture that wool batting offers. Nice job on your hand-quilting it. Thanks for sharing in Sew & Tell.

  15. Beautiful quilting, Gretchen. The wool batting does make great texture. Your irises are gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing on MM.
