Saturday, April 15, 2023

Star Dance is a Flimsy!

The first post about Star Dance was back in 2017 when I started piecing the stars using the color of the month from RSC. In 2018 I appliqued the border and finished the lap quilt. She then went into the 'to be quilted closet'
. I did pull her from the closet several times with the intention of hand quilting her but she always argued with me. She said she wasn't finished!

In 2022 I was going to make her larger by adding a border of sawtooth stars, again using the color of the month from RSC. But she said the stars were too large, they didn't blend with the smaller center stars, so then I pieced a lot of shoofly blocks, 200 of them!

It was too breezy outside for pictures so these indoor pictures will have to work.

I had thought to make her large enough to for our bed but I didn't have enough of the border fabric. I purchased the border fabric over a year ago so it's long gone. 

I'll see how much she shrinks after being quilted and washed. I might use her anyway even if she's somewhat small.

Finally she's finished! She's actually bagged and going to the long arm quilter next week! She is ok with machine quilting which is good because I don't think I have enough patience for hand quilting her.

As of now she measures 95" by 105".

Here is a link to more posts about Star Dance. Blogger did not place them in consecutive order.

Here is a link to the Star Dance pattern.


  1. As I read the post and looked at the pictures I thought this looked like a Jill Finley quilt but her quilts are usually throw or lap sized. Listening to the quilt was a good idea. Your version of this quilt is much better than the original. What a beauty!

  2. Love this quilt top so much! Your applique is amazing and the churn dashes were a great idea to make it bigger! Can't wait to see it quilted!

  3. Dear Gretchen,

    I love the way she spoke to you and got her way! She looks beautiful and the extra blocks and borders definitely make her sparkle more. She is going to be a beauty. Have a great weekend.

  4. beautiful and as argumentative as she has been a long armer should have to deal with that haha

  5. I love the addition of those shoo fly blocks - it is a pretty quilt - love the applique too

  6. Congratulations, Gretchen!! Star Dance is an absolutely lovely quilt top!

  7. That's a lot of shoofly blocks, and a beautiful result! Congratulations on getting Star Dance to this stage!

  8. Its wonderful and huge ! Especially love that magnificient applique border

  9. I remember when we bought the pattern. Your version is absolutely beautiful. Mine is in the stack of patterns “to be made someday”. LOL. going to be a pretty one when quilted.

  10. That's one bossy quilt! But you listened to her, and she was right all along. Wonder if she will tell the commercial quilter exactly what she wants done?

  11. Wow, this is such a beautiful quilt top, well done listening to her ;) I didn't remember about the shoofly blocks, this is indeed the perfect fit for your bed size!
    Thank you for sharing this beauty, and linking up ;)

  12. Beautiful top! I sometimes switch my quilts around so that the size would be 105" wide x 95" long and fits my mattress better on the sides. Just a thought ....

  13. Star Dance is amazing! And you'll always be glad you "listened" to what the quilt needed. Congratulations!

  14. Star Dance is beautiful! I like the changes that you made!

  15. I love the colors on this top, so cheerful and clean!

  16. wow wee that's a lot of blocks lol it turned out beautifully,luv that border!
