Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Patchwork Comforter Top

I took a bag of 2" squares along to Deanna's when I went to visit her last September. During our sewing time, I sewed all those squares together in to foursies.

In February I sewed those foursies together and made 13 twelve inch finished patchwork blocks. 

There were still some foursies left but they were too repetiative. I made more foursies using 2" cut strips which were then sewn into 12" finished blocks.

Now I have a comforter top. Simple designs really are the best pattern to use for comforters.

The cherry fabric was given to me to use for charity quilts, it's the perfect border for this quilt!

Someone commented when I showed Orange Sherbet that we had green grass. This winter has just been weird. We get snow then it melts and the grass shows. Then it snows again then it melts and we have grass showing again. It's been that way all winter.


  1. Your patchwork top is sew cute Gretchen!!! I love ❤️ that border!!!
    Our grass is green too despite freezing intermittent weather… though no snow down here much YET this season! Have a wonderful day friend :)

  2. I like your foursies quilt - what glorious scrappiness! Our yard is green but Hubs says it's just weeds. I don't care, it's green - lol!

  3. Dear Gretchen,

    A great way to use your squares. The top is now a beautiful piece ready to be quilted and all those scraps are used creatively. The cherry border is unexpected and makes one do a double take. Have we had a crazy winter, it is now snow banks hip deep. We have all the snow melt and then green grass for weeks and then snow and no green grass up north in Canada. Looking forward to green grass and no snow. Have a great day.

  4. Oh, the humble four-patch! What a lovely top this made!

  5. What a fun use of scraps! Our winter has been like that for weeks now, though only a little snow. The temps have been up and down from the teens to mid-70's. I think we're all going nuts around here with that!

  6. Such a lot of squares and they are bigger than the double 9 patch. You just keep creating such wonderful quilts. I am eyeing your Nancy Rink quilt. My bright blue would go great with those fabrics, I am thinking.

  7. A beautifully scrappy quilt top and yes, the cherries are perfect. Someone is sure to love this one.

  8. Amultitued of squares in this one, much too many to count. The cherry border fabric is lovely

  9. It is beautiful comforter top, Gretchen, great use of 2" squares.

  10. Great use of 2" squares. Nice to use those smaller pieces in something so beautiful.

  11. A perfect quilt indeed! Love it!

  12. What a great comfort quilt - I love patchwork like that!! and the cherries are perfect!!!

  13. Such a pretty quilt! What a great way to use up scraps. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell linkup, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  14. Such a darling quilt, Gretchen and love the cherry border fabrics. I am sure the fabrics brought back fond memories as you worked with them.

  15. Gretchen your patchwork quilt is a beauty! I love the border fabric. It makes me think that soon the snow will be gone and the cherry trees blooming! This is the spring that never ends here in my part of the world it seems. Usually DH can be out golfing by now. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday. Hope your week is going well and you are managing some fun fabric time.

  16. What a pretty scrappy top! You're right, simple patterns are the best for comforters! Yummy border too.
