Friday, February 24, 2023

SAHRR, Round 5

The block for the 5th round of the 2023 SAHRR is a square in a square block. Of course I'm not making simple square in a square blocks, mine all have pieced centers.

These little stars are extra blocks left from piecing Star Dance.

The next block is made from extra HST's that were in the orphan box. I've always like the broken dishes design so I made one.

This block was originally made for my Nearly Insane quilt. 

Another star from Star Dance.

After I added the triangles to the sides of the blocks, I added sashing to bring the smaller blocks to the same size as the largest block, 10", 9.5" finished.

I've sewn the blocks together and made a row. The applique block was a practice machine applique block that I don't remember making. I didn't add one of the square/square blocks so I would have room for the applique block. There is also another broken dishes block that I just sashed and added.

The dark blue, turquoise, pale blue sashing was leftover border from another quilt.

I didn't think about how awkward it would be to take pictures when I placed the cutting table in front of the display wall. That cutting table is going to get moved sometime, it's on the list at least.

This won't be the exact placement of the rows. I'll make a final decision after the blocks are made for round 6.

Linking to SAHRR Linky PartyNeedle & Thread Thursday, Put Your Foot Down, TGIFF!, Peacock Party, Whoop Whoop Party, Finished or Not  Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Beauty Pageant, Patchwork & Quilts, Scrap Patches


  1. Great use of orphan blocks. What can go wrong with blue and white quilts? I love them always.

  2. Love all the blues with touches of yellow. Looking forward to your final layout.

  3. I love how you are using the SAHRR as an opportunity to play with your orphan blocks. A great way to bring them to life again!

  4. I love that you are finding and using so many orphan blocks, your row by row style is lookimg good.

  5. Love that you are making rows! Great work getting those orphans out of the box and into a quilt. They'll be much happier there!

  6. I adore you square in a square and your SAHRR! I am doing it too and haven't had time to check others, so I am glad hosting TGIFF brought me to your gorgeous top! Thanks for linking up!

  7. Wow! I have to go back and read you plan for the SAHRR. Those are all such great blocks!

  8. Love it, just love it!

  9. I love seeing all the SAHRR quilts every year. I was very tempted to sew along this year but I have one from two years ago that needs finishing first before I start another. Yours is looks wonderful! Thank you for sharing ... :) Pat

  10. These are beautiful square in a square blocks! Lovely row for the blue SAHRR quilt.
    Thank you for sharing, and linking up!

  11. I'm loving how your quilt is coming together, Gretchen! It's a lovely blend of old and new blocks. Looking forward to seeing where Round 6 will take you!

  12. Wow, you've really expanded that RR! It looks great, and I love everything you've done on it. Super job!

  13. Hi Gretchen! That is a fabulous idea, incorporating blocks in the center of the square in a square block. I'll have to remember that idea to use up some orphan blocks I have sitting around. This is going to be a fun quilt top once you finish up the last prompt and a good size, too. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  14. Wow, what a fun way to use leftover or orphan blocks!! I love it! This is looking fabulous! You've got such a great variety in your blocks! Love it!
