Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Stay at Home Round Robin Center Block

I'm going to do something different this year and join in with the SAHRR (Stay at Home Round Robin). Click here for information about this challenge.

The center block for my quilt has been pulled from the orphan box. This block was appliqued many years ago before I started blogging. It was an extra block that wasn't needed for a sampler quilt.

This block isn't a large block, it's only 10" so there will be plenty of room for growth.

To make my SAHRR quilt more of a challenge, I pulled all of the blocks and partial blocks from the orphan box that have a white background. Somehow I'm going to incorporate them into the quilt.

Just a reminder, I can't reply to comments. Blogger won't let me, why, I don't know. Even my daughter couldn't figure it out. I will followup questions in coming posts.

Linking to To Do Tuesday, SAHRR Linky PartyMidweek Makers, Wednesday Wait Loss, Needle & Thread Thursday


  1. Great start for the SAHRR, it is a beautiful appliqué block, so good you found it on your Ufo's pile.

  2. what a great idea for this type of quilt. It will be lovely as usual

  3. It's OK you don't reply to me - I get it with Blogger. I like your starting block. I bet the other orphans were happy about being pulled. ;)

  4. What a great starting block! This will be a fun and interesting quilt! ~Jeanne

  5. So many challenges to participate in! I want to see if I can do SAHRR this year. I need to settle in a pick a center!

  6. Dear Gretchen,
    If you try to comment from an IPad, it will not allow it. However if you go to Chrome and comment it works 95% of the time. All comments is blocked and has to be read on the blog? Weird. Looking forward to follow your round Robin.
    Have a great day.

  7. Nice block Gretchen!! I like the idea of using up other orphan blocks within this project. Now we just have to wait till the 23rd for next steps!

  8. Hi Gretchen! I saw the little thumbnail and I just knew this was your block. I love the colors - it that a navy solid on a light blue and white print? I cannot wait to see how your quilt progresses. I know you plan on making it a good size for a charity quilt, I believe. Thanks so much for joining us this year! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  9. Hi Gretchen. I am in love with your SAHRR center block. It’s such a fun QAL. I’ve done it the last 2 years. I’m intrigued with your goal of incorporating more orphan blocks in this project. Thank you for Linking with To Do Tuesday. Have fun this week. Don’t worry about not replying to me. I’m having my own issue with Blogger and Wordpress disagreeing! 😉 Carol

  10. I like the block! This will make a great lap quit! It is always good to use those in-used blocks. I have 6 of those 24” blocks to make Round Robins. But that is for later! Enjoy the SAHRR it will be fun! Hugs

    On Blogger - it is a shame that Apple users have to download CHROME (web browser) to be able to use their Blog! Hugs

  11. What an awesome center block! I have never tried that technique, so intricate!

  12. That looks like a perfect centre block. I have a SAHRR I started many years ago - I think I did about 3 months worth - maybe I should pull it out and start on it again when it's up to the correct months!

  13. Great idea to incorporate as many orphan blocks as you can! Can't wait to see your SAHRR grow. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  14. Fantastic centre for the SAHRR!! Isn't it fun to use an orphan block?
    Glad that you are joining us for SAHRR!!

  15. Fabulous center block, Gretchen. I just may have to jump in as well. I have never joined a Round Robin and this one sounds interesting. I look forward to following your progress.
