Tuesday, January 31, 2023

SAHRR, Round 2

Round 2 of the SAHRR is stars, any type of star we want to make. I chose a regular star but the centers of my stars are  orphan blocks. The first two stars have centers that didn't make it into my Nearly Insane quilt.

The centers of these stars finish at 6" while the whole block finishes at 12".

I'm not sure why the center of the above block made it into the orphan box, it looks fine to me.

I do remember why this block didn't make it into Nearly Insane, I didn't like it! 

I used the flippy corner method to make the flying geese for the above  two stars. I double sewed the corners and cut off the extra which made 16 HST's. Since my idea is to use orphan blocks in this quilt when possible and not to make more orphans, I used those HST blocks and made two smaller stars.

These two block are using uneven 9 patch blocks from the orphan box. I don't even remember what project they're left from.

The 9 patch star blocks will finish at 10".

There were five small orphan star blocks in the orphan box. I'm not sure how they'll be used but since they were stars, they're on the wall with the big blocks.

My quilt is going to be made the row by row design. I'll wait to sew these blocks together until all of the SAHRR blocks have been completed.

Hopefully a lot of orphan blocks will be incorporated as the weeks go by.


  1. Nice use of orphan blocks! I tend to make my orphans into potholders so I don't have a stash. I really like what you have done with them.

  2. The center of a sawtooth star is a great for orphan blocks!

  3. I love how you can find them use your orphan blocks and leftovers so eloquently Gretchen… I’m blessed to have friends with such great piecing talents!!! Your round Robin is fun looking!

  4. I love you center Medallion!!! Will be interesting to see how the quilt turns out! Hugs

  5. A great way to use up orphans.

  6. What a great way to use those orphan blocks. Your stars are all so pretty. Im looking forward to seeing your SAHRR as you get it together. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday. Have fun stitching this week.

  7. It is so much fun to see how this quilt is coming together. I love the variety in the stars.

  8. Great job, such a variety!!! I read back about your center block and I think those spools make such a great border around the center--a happy mistake!

  9. You have added such an abundance of blocks inside the stars to make your round robin. I am curious to see how yours will turn out. Such a great idea to use up those orphan blocks.

  10. LOVE the fact that you are using Orphan blocks for your SAHRR!! Sounds like a great way to actually USE some of those abandoned blocks.

  11. Such a clever idea to use your orphan blocks! Your SAHRR quilt is really growing--can't wait to see how you sew them all together and what the finish will look like. Thanks for sharing the journey on my weekly linkup, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  12. The row by row is a great plan for what you want to do with the orphan blocks. I think this will wind up a stunning quilt!

  13. What a great way to challenge yourself to use up orphan blocks! It will be fun to see this one grow!

  14. I'm so happy for your orphan blocks - they look beautiful! I love the row by row idea, I'm going to remember that for next year!
